This summer, things are going to get hairy...In August 2001, 20th Century Fox will unleash a thrilling re-imagining of the classic event film: the All-New Planet of the Apes. In 2029, Astronaut Leo Davidson boards a pod cruiser on a space station for a 'routine' reconnaissance mission. But an abrupt detour through a space-time wormhole lands him on a strange planet where talking apes rule over the human race. With the help of a sympathetic chimpanzee and a small band of human rebels, Leo leads the effort to evade the advancing gorilla army. Now the race is on to reach a sacred temple within the planet's forbidden zone to discover the shocking secrets of mankind's past - and the key to its future. William T. Quick's brilliant novelization of Tim Burton's visionary film will be essential reading for fans of the movie as well as amateur's of science fiction and the Planet of the Apes phenomenon.