《独闯天下》是达尔自传《好小子-童年故事》的续集。前面说到达尔完成了中学学习,他希望从事一个职业能带他到"象非洲和中国一样美妙的遥远地方。"他赢得了壳牌石油公司的好职位。1938年秋天,达尔被调到非洲工作,在那里他和壳牌石油公司的另两名代表一起管理整个东非领域,同时也开始有了更多奇妙惊险的经历,比如眼镜蛇进入他朋友的房子而不得不叫捕蛇者来捕蛇,或者一只狮子抓住了一个本地妇女,而达尔关于其营救过程的纪录被登在一家非洲报纸上,这成为他第一篇公开发表的作品。 This is the second part of Roald Dahl's remarkable lifestory, following on from "Boy", that tells of his time working inAfrica and his wartime exploits. This edition has a great new coverwith illustrations by Quentin Blake, and some new facts about RoaldDahl and his world.
Roald Dahl, the best-loved of children's writers, was born inWales of Norwegian parents. His books continue to be bestsellers,despite his death in 1990, and total UK sales are now 55million!