This book is about emptiness and silence the mind-expandingemptiness of Zen painting, and the reverberating silence of haikupoetry. Through imaginative participation in the visions ofpainters and poets, its readers are led to the realization that, inthe author's words, "emptiness, silence, is not nothingness, butfullness. Your fullness." This cultural tradition has informed manydistinguished lives and works of art. The work of painters likeNiten, Liang K'ai, and Toba, and of painters like Basho, Buson, andIssa reflects the wholeness, spontaneity, and humanity of the Zenvision. Those who desire a glimpse into the world of intuitivecontact with nature offered by Zen meditation will find thesepaintings, commentaries, and haiku poems especially rewarding. Theyenable the reader to experience the unique power of Zen art it'scapacity to fuse esthetic appreciation, personal intuition, andknowledge of life into one creative event.