Rasputin's Daughter (精装原版外文书)
作者 Robert Alexander (Author)
出版社 Viking Adult; First Edition
ISBN 9780670034680
出版时间 2006-01
装帧 精装
开本 大32开
页数 320页
货号 8870 手
上书时间 2020-04-08
基本信息; 作者;Robert Alexander (Author) Hardcover: 320页 出版社: Viking Adult; First Edition (2006年1月19日) 语种: English ISBN-10: 9780670034680 ISBN-13: 978-0670034680 ASIN: 0670034681 产品尺寸及重量: 14.6 x 3 x 21.7 cm 发货重量: 15.5 ounces Interrogated by the provisional government of revolutionary Russia on the details of her father's death, Maria, the daughter of Rasputin, remembers her father's powerful influence over the throne, her struggles over the discovery of his true nature, and the numerous threats to his life. By the author of The Kitchen Boy. 40,000 first printing. From Publishers Weekly In an endeavor similar to his debut novel, The Kitchen Boy, Alexander couples extensive research and poetic license, this time turning his enthusiasm toward perhaps the most intriguing player in the collapse of the Russian dynasty: Rasputin. This eyebrow-raising account of the final week of the notorious mystic's life is set in Petrograd in December 1916 and narrated by Rasputin's fiery teenage daughter, Maria. The air in the newly renamed capital is thick with dangerous rumors, many concerning Maria's father, whose close relationship with the monarchy—he alone can stop the bleeding of the hemophiliac heir to the throne—invokes murderous rage among members of the royal family. Maria is determined to protect her father's life, but the further she delves into his affairs, the more she wonders: who, exactly, is Rasputin? Is he the holy man whose genuine ability to heal inspires a cult of awed penitents, or the libidinous drunkard who consumes 12 bottles of Madeira in a single night, the unrestrained animal she spies "[eagerly] holding [the] housekeeper by her soft parts"? Does this unruly behavior link him to an outlawed sect that believes sin overcomes sin? The combination of Alexander's research and his rich characterizations produces an engaging historical fiction that offers a Rasputin who is neither beast nor saint, but merely, compellingly human. (Jan.) Copyright © Reed Business Information, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. From In The Kitchen Boy (2003), Alexander creatively imagined an answer to the mystery of the last days of the Russian imperial family during the revolution--the question centering on whether any family member survived the slaughter in the basement of their Siberian house of exile. Now he ventures into the -never--cleared-up last days of Gregory Rasputin, the monk who held sway at the prerevolution court. Employing the fast pace of a thriller and the ability to make a remote historical episode personal to the reader, Alexander views events from the perspective of Rasputin's elder daughter, Maria. World War I rages on, and the auxiliary members of the Romanov family are fit to be tied over Empress Alexandra's obsessive need for the ministrations of the hated Rasputin; Maria soon realizes her father's life is truly in jeopardy. What finally happens to him involves not only conspiracy within the imperial family but also a personal betrayal by a young man Maria had fallen for. The author lends great understanding to the time and to actual historical figures. Brad Hooper Copyright © American Library Association. All rights reserved About the Author Robert Alexander is the author of the bestselling novel The Kitchen Boy. He has traveled to Russia for nearly thirty years and since 1990 has been a partner in a St. Petersburg company that operates a variety of businesses.
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