2.生物用語採録源を、(1)高校「生物」教科書に用いられている用語、(2)日本生物教育学会が選定した用語、(3) 英国Institute of Biology(10B)が勧告したBiological Nomenclature,の3種とし、作成したリストと学術用語との整合を行なった。この作業を通じて採録の細則を決定し、それを適用して修正を加え、同義異語の統一を行なって動物学会原案を作成し、これを基に、日本植物学会用語委員との合同作業を進めた。その過程で、関連諸学協会から貴重な御意見を頂戴した。
(1)Japanese biological nomenclatures were standardized for the education in senior high school on the basis of the Japanese Scientific Terms compiled by the Ministry of Education. Science and culture, Japan. The Committees from The Zoological Society of Japan and The Botanical Society of Japan carried the editorial procedures into effect.
(2)The standard terms (ca.2.100 words) regarded as necessary for the school education were collected. and classified into two categories : important terms (A-rank : ca.700 words) and basic or pheripheral terms (B-rank : ca.1,400 words).
(3)Special effort was paid in simplifying the synonyms.
(4)Each term was followed by a short explanatory remark, each of which was written by one or more of experts in the corresponding field. The authors were chosen by the Committee and numbered about 160 in total.
(5)The explanatory remarks were foused on the definition, reasons for selection among synonyms and exposition for adequate use of the terms.
(6)The result is to be published by the University of Tokyo press.