特 稿 spe column chatgpt热潮下的高校教育改革 ···················· 钟秉林 zhong binglin, educational and learning reform in colleges and universities amid the chatgpt boom 法国中世纪史诗研究 ·················〔法〕米歇尔·冉刻(崔欢 译) michel zink, translalted by cui huan, on the epic of medieval in france 洞察时代 传承学术 理解人生——“汤一介当代学人讲座”首讲致辞 ·····陈越光 chen yueguang, sensilisation contemporaine, transmission scientifi que et prehension estencielle 饶宗颐国学研究方 ·······················邵友伟 郑炜明 shao youwei & cheng wai ming peter, on jao tsung-i’s method of chinese classical studies
专 稿 focus 转场对人文社会科学的历史和认识论的贡献··· 〔法〕米歇尔·西班牙(董晓萍 译) michel espagne, translalted by dong aoping, cultural transfers as a contribution to the history and epistemology of human and so sciences 朝向美感文心的学科未来——中国文艺批评学科介绍 ·············王一川 wang yichuan, towards the nature of aesthetic and the literary study and its trend in future: an brief introduction to the discipline of literary critique in china 论学科化:中国民俗学的建设 ························董晓萍 dong aoping, on the discipline construction: a case study of chinese folklorstics 两赴天竺:徐仁在印度的留学及其科学研究 ··················陈 明 chen ming, two tri to india: xu ren studying in india and his scientifi c research
论 稿 articles 圣本翻译与公元五世纪中古汉语的形成 ——《长阿含·经》巴汉对勘研究 ·············〔法〕金丝燕 jin siyan, traduction du texte sacré et naissance du chinois médiéval au ve siècle-cas du cakkavatti sutta 转场:《恶之花》的韵律汉译 ······················王以培 wang yipei, cultural transfers:keeping the chinese rhythm in translation of les fleurs du mal by charles pierre baudelaire 在翻译学视域下的“金蛇王权”:在真实与虚构中重构晚明 ··········高 博 gao bo, golden snake kingship from the perspective of translatology: reshaping the late ming dynasty in reality and fiction 兴:与世界相处的方式——朱利安论中国诗的“曲则通”············吴泓缈 wu hongmiao, ng, ways of attaching to the world: the detour and access in the chinese poetry interpreted by francois jullien 中国笔墨与中国园林的精神························潘公凯 pan kai, le jardin en encre chinoise “禅会图”意涵源流证——中互动中的禅宗绘画概念演变 ·······王圆中 wang yuanzhong, on the origin and development of “chan hui tu”: the concept transfer of chan paintings in the cultural interaction between china and japan 中国的政治镜隐喻及对古代本的影响 ··················刘琳琳 liu linlin, chinese political metaphor as mirror and its infl uence on ancient japan 文明互鉴视阈下中俄图书出版的回溯与启示 ——基于二战期间两国主题图书出版的实证研究 ··············刘 淼 liu miao, retrospection and enlightenment of sino-russian book publishing under the perspective of civilization exchange: an empirical study based on the publication of thematic books in both countries during world war ii 试论田间诗歌创作与外国诗歌的关系 ·····················熊 辉 ong hui, on the relationship between the poem by chinese poet tian jian and foreign poetry 回到马克思:重估亚当·沙夫的符号学思想 ·················陈文斌 chen wenbin, back to marsm: rethinking adam shaffs semiotic idea 非洲文学研究的新建设 ——评《撒哈拉以南非洲文学》 ···········杜志卿 du zhiqing, approaching new construction of the theory of african literature: focusing sub-saharan african literature
学术信息 bulletin d’information scientifique 转场:翻译与观念的迁徙——第八届中国艺术节国际研讨会综述 ······周小珊 zhou aoshan, transferts culturels et transmission des idées colloque international, 8 e festival arts chine 东西方再相遇:北京大学—法国阿尔多瓦大学孔子学院人文论坛 ········杨嘉明 yang jiaming, on east and west re-encountering: humanities forum held by peking university and university of artois 写本·图像·药物——欧亚医学知识相遇与文明互鉴学术工作坊综述 ·······汪 炀 wang yang, text,image,medica science: encounting of medical knowledge from asia and europe and the learning of mutual civilizations 跨公益教育 ·················北京师范大学跨研究院 college of transcultural studies at bnu, public welfare education for graduate students in transcultural perspective