One Story ADay是一套使读者终身受益的故事丛书。有小学、初中、高中三个系列。目前初中系列的OneStory A Day和小学系列OneStory A Day for Early Readers已经由DC加拿大教育出版社出版发行;高中系列正在创作中。所有故事,全部由加拿大作者团队创作。 每个系列有12本书,每月1本,每天1个故事,共365个故事。书中的故事题材丰富,生动有趣。话题涵盖了自然、历史、科学、文化等各个方面。许多故事来自学生的校园生活,通过故事来探讨人生、社会、学习。既能使读者体会到阅读的乐趣,又能增长知识,启迪人生,并使读者能感悟到自然流畅的英文语言的点滴。每个故事都由加拿大的配音专家配音,语音地道、吐字清晰。既可以配合阅读使用,也可以作为只听不读的audiobook使用。 目前,已经出版的OneStory A Day初中系列和小学系列,在 德国法兰克福书展上受到了广泛好评,已经销到了韩国、香港, 埃及,法国、土耳其、挪威、巴基斯坦等国家,同时也被翻译成 多种语言。 该套图书初中系列已经由中国上海交通大学出版社引入版权 并在中国出版。 Introduction This is the firstbook of One Story ADay, a series of twelve books designed todevelop a love of reading in young readers. Written by a team ofCanadian professional writers, these books comprise high-interesttopics and motivational content that make children excited aboutreading. The stories arebased on everyday life, funny tales of friendship and family,fables from around the world, and stories about nature, science andhistory. TheOne Story A Day series fosters children’s total development— linguistic,intellectual, social, and cultural—through the joy ofreading. Both the content andstructure of the books encourage children to read every day.Controlled vocabulary and targeted illustrations make the storieseasy to understand. Moreover, each book comes with an audio CD withall stories narrated in clear, natural voices. This series can beused in a variety of settings and with many different approaches.The stories can always bring the joy of words and reading to theears and minds of children at a crucial stage in theirdevelopment. Sit back, relax, anddiscover the pleasure of reading!