Tom Perrotta's thirty-ish parents of young children are a varied and surprising bunch. There's Todd, the handsome stay-at-home clad dubbed "the Prom King" by the morns at the playground, and his wife Kathy, a documentary film-maker envious of the connection Todd has forged with their toddler son. And therc's Sarah, a lapsed feminist surprised to find she's become a typical wifc in a traditional marriage, and her husband Richard, who is more and more involved with an Internet fantasy life than with his own wife and child. And then there's Mary Ann, who has life all figured out, down to a scheduled roll in the hay with her husband every Tuesday at 9 pm.
They all raisc their kids in the kind of quiet suburb whcrc nothing ever seems to happen--tmtil one eventful summer,whcn a convictcd child molester movcs back to town, and two parents begin an affair that gocs further than either of them could ever have imagined.