The last career book anyone will ever need! At last, after all those books on clawing your way to the top, here's the real truth about the good and bad moves made in the workplace that determine ultimate success or failure.
You ask interviewees penetrating philosophical questions. +10
"If you could be a tree, what kind of tree would you be?" -10
"Do you think I'm cute?" -50
You nickname your office. +5
"The Cave." -10
"The Cool-bicle." -45
You volunteer to organize the softball team and company outings. +5
You call yourself the company "funmeister." -20
It's much easier than your actual job.-60
From your trumped-up résumé to the disastrous company picnic, and covering every aspect of working life including meetings, office antics, fun with machines, and the right and wrong way to ask for a raise, Greg Gutfeld focuses his trademark point system on the place where we all spend the biggest part of our lives.
1 Your Resume
2 The Interview
3 Your Private Hell (or Workspace
4 Welcome Aboard!
5 Your Vocation
6 Office Romance
7 Is It Sexual Harassment?
8 Crass Communication
9 Did You Get My Memo?
10 Meetings
11 Speeches and Presentations
12 Extracurricular Activities
13 The Scorecard for Satan (Uh, We Mean Managers)
14 Raises and Promotions
15 The Art of Firing, Being Fired, and Quittingto Run Off and Join the Circus
16 0fficePerks
17 Business Dining, Schmoozing, and Other Types of Torture