This delightful collection of Father Goose includes 132rhymes with wonderful childlike pictures by BlancheFisher Wright. She is also the illustrator of Mother Goose.Father Goose is still popular and taught to kids in families ofEnglish-speaking countries. It is sure to please the youngsterand enable them to experience — with an enjoymentall their own — the charming collection of pictures andverse. 呈现于读者面前的这本《Father Goose:鹅爸爸》,由美国知名插图画家布兰琪· F. 莱特女士创作完成,她的另一本颇有影响力的插图著作《Mother Goose: 鹅妈妈》自出版后,一直流传至今。对中国孩子来说,这两本英文童谣书可以帮助他们更好地感受英语这种语言的韵律美,亦可以作为英语学习的阅读素材,接近英语母语孩子的学习过程。为了帮助大家更好地理解这些童谣所蕴含的历史背景,我们特意请加拿大英语教师凯伦女士加以注释,她简洁的英语转述,定能帮助读者理解和使用本书。 对这两本书的使用,建议家长和老师不必完全按照先后顺序一一使用,可以结合孩子的兴趣与学习阶段,从中作出一些取舍,以真正激发孩子们学习英语的兴趣。我们同时提供与本书文本对应的配套英文朗读(扫描*后一页二维码即可进入下载页面)
Leroy F. Jackson (1881-1958) was born in London, Ontario, Canada. He moved with his family to North Dakota in the early 1890s. Jackson received his bachelors degree from the University of North Dakota and his masters degree from the University of Chicago. In 1912 he went to Harvard for a year to conduct research under Frederick Jackson Turner. After several years of holding teaching positions throughout North Dakota, Minnesota, and Washington, Jackson moved to Burnsville, NC to become director of the Stanley McCormick School.
In 1932 Jackson began working for the U.S. Indian Service and was sent to Wrangell, Alaska to become director of the Wrangell Institute. In 1934 Jackson was sent to New Mexico to work with the Navajo at the Charles H. Burke School in Fort Wingate, and the Taos Day School in Taos. Jackson was also the author of several published articles, monographs, and children’s books of nursery rhymes. He died in Pomona, California in 1958.
Blanche Fisher Wright was a children’s book illustrator active in the 1910s. She is best known for illustrating The Real Mother Goose, published in 1916.