Linda Elder:教育心理学专家、思辨研究专家,在美国多所大学任教,主要教授课程为教育心理学、思辨能力培养;思辨研究协会会长、思辨中心执行主任。Richard Paul:思辨研究专家,国际思辨研究运动主要负责人,已发表200余篇与思辨研究相关的论文、出版8部论述思辨研究的著作。
Forward The Human Mind: Thinking, Feeling, Wanting Understanding the Human Mind:The Big Picture The Mind's Three Distinctive Functions The Dynamic Relationship Among Thinking, Feeling, and Wanting Behavior as a Product of the Mind's Functions Thinking as the Key to Feelings and Desires
Rational Capacities or Irrational Tendencies Can Control the Mind The Logic of Rationality Distinguishing Rational from Egocentric and Sociocentric Motives Humans Often Distort RealityThrough Irrational Lenses
The Problem of Egocentric Thinking Feelings That Accompany Egocentrism The Logic of Egocentrism Distinguishing Egocentric Domination from Egocentric Submissio The Logic of Egocentric Domination The Logic of Egocentric Submission Pathological Dispositions of the Human Mind Challenging the Pathological Dispositions of the Human Mind ... Defense Mechanisms of the Mind
The Problem of Sociocentric Thinking Primary Forms of Sociocentric Thought Sociocentricity: The Logic of Groupish ness Sociocentricity: The Logic of Group Validation Sociocentricity: The Logic of Group Control Sociocentricity: The Logic of Conformity
Popular Misunderstandings of the Mind Emotional Intelligence and Critical Thinking Some Basic Definitions