Watercolor Workshop: Learn to Paint in 100 Experiments [平装] – 2018年 01月01号 Sasha Prood (作者)
基本信息 出版社: Harry N. Abrams; First Edition edition (2018年1月1日) 平装:256页 语种: 英文 ISBN: 9781419729249 商品尺寸: 20.3 x 20.3 x 3.2cm 商品重量: 1258 g
Sasha Prood is an illustrator and graphic designer based in Brooklyn, NY. She is an alumni of Carnegie Mellon's School of Design, The Cooper Union, and the School of Visual Arts. She has received awards and recognition from national design magazines (PRINT, HOW) and her work has been featured in books, magazines, and biogs, including ELLE Interiors, Apartment Therapy, and Oh Joy! She has exhibited her art internationally.
Learn to paint gorgeous contemporary art by practicing watercolor technique directly in this instructional sketchbook. Through 100 different experiments, artist Sasha Prood teaches you traditional techniques like wet-on-dry, wet-on-wet, and flat washes, and also encourages you to play with the paint through colorful ombrés, unique bloom textures, and added elements like salt and sponging. Each experiment is accompanied by Sasha’s beautifully painted examples and space to practice your skills on the thick pages of the sketchbook. Sasha makes watercolors accessible by setting you up to paint a series of practice swatches before attempting to make final art and she emphasizes experimentation with color and technique so that you can learn to enjoy and embrace all the unique qualities of watercolor.