在减弱的夏天,一个湖几乎在美国中部的一个中间出现。恐惧和爱情,年轻的单身母亲犯绝望的行为:确信湖手段从她拿她的小儿子,她决定停止它,成为湖的冷硬Oracle,“ZED夜的女王。”著名的许多评论家作为史蒂夫埃里克森的伟大的小说,我们欣喜若狂天发生挑衅的心脏的禁止景观。 In the waning summer days, a lake appears almost overnight in the middle of Los Angeles. Out of fear and love, a young single mother commits a desperate act: convinced that the lake means to take her small son from her, she determines to stop it and becomes the lake's Dominatrix-Oracle, "the Queen of the Zed Night." Acclaimed by many critics as Steve Erickson's greatest novel, Our Ecstatic Days takes place on the forbidden landscape of a defiant heart.