从纽约时报畅销书的脉冲冲击垂直运行提出一个引人入胜的新白节惊悚片让你彻夜难眠。 查利麦肯齐是在他最擅长的事,和他所做的最好的是中情局的肮脏的工作。至少他直到他的老板出卖了他。监禁和羞辱掩盖一个庞大的情报失误,查利想报复。 机会来临时,伊琳娜kolodenkova,一个年轻的俄罗斯间谍,在一个绝密的技术称为旋风绊跌,因为原子弹的最重要的军事突破。查利是唯一一个需要找到她,找回它的非常特殊的技能。桌上的骑手谁背叛了查利别无选择:他们必须把他放回到工作岗位。但查利知道的已经太多了。一旦他恢复的旋风,他的敌人要出卖他了——这一次持续。 他们把一种致命的南非雇佣兵在查利的踪迹。他命令:让查利在你的十字线,直到他发现旋风,然后带他走。 然而,查利有他自己的计划,他并不是一个容易的杀死。恰恰相反… From the New York Times bestselling author of the pulse-pounding Vertical Run comes a spellbinding new white-knuckle thriller to keep you up all night.
Charlie McKenzie is the best at what he does, and what he does best of all is the CIA's dirty work. At least he did until his bosses double-crossed him. Jailed and disgraced to cover up a mammoth intelligence blunder, Charlie wants to get even.
Opportunity knocks when Irina Kolodenkova, a young Russian spy, stumbles across a top-secret technology called Whirlwind, the most important military breakthrough since the atomic bomb. Charlie's the only one with the very special skills needed to track her down and retrieve it. The desk jockeys who betrayed Charlie have no choice: they have to put him back on the job. But Charlie already knows too much. Once he recovers Whirlwind, his enemies plan to betray him again -- this time for keeps.
They put a lethal South African soldier of fortune on Charlie's trail. His orders: keep Charlie in your crosshairs until he finds Whirlwind, then take him down.
However, Charlie has plans of his own, and he is not going to be an easy kill. Quite the contrary ...