目录 华南海盗与地方士人的应对策略 ——以黄蟾桂《立雪山房文集》为探讨中心 South China Pirates and the Coping Strategies of Local Gentry: Research Based on Huang Changui’s Collection from the Studio of the Upright Snowy Mountain 陈贤波/Chen Xianbo 从遮洋船特征看明代战船上的防御设备 Defensive Capabilities of Ming Warships: The Case of the Zheyang Ship 陈晓珊/Chen Xiaoshan 瓦瓦司钢炮考 Josiah Vavasseur’s Steel Cannons in Late 19th-Century China 陈一川/Chen Yichuan 庚子大沽口之战再分析 ——以大沽炮台火炮装备及使用情况为中心 Reevaluation of the Role of Artillery in the Battle of Taku in 1900 贾? 浩/Jia Hao “他们有点怕英国提督”:皇家海军中国区舰队与甲午战争,1894-1895 “They Are a Little Afraid of the British Admiral” The China Station of the Royal Navy during the First Sino-Japanese War, 1894–1895 邝智文/ Kwong Chi Man 洋务运动时期江南制造总局对中国船炮技术提升的影响 Military Technical Influence of the Kiangnan Arsenal During the Westernization Movement 刘鸿亮? 陈世杰/Liu Hongliang Chen Shijie 北洋海军第一级鱼雷艇考证 Textual Research On the First-Class Torpedo Boat of Qing Navy 刘? 致/Liu Zhi 《西行日记》作者池仲祐家世生平考 A Biographical Study of Chi Zhongyou, Author of the Westbound Diary 石一民 程继红/Shi Yimin Cheng Jihong 的海军基地——明代海防水寨设置考 The Earliest Naval Bases: A Study of the Ming Water Stockades 宋烜 宋绎如/Song Xuan Song Yiru 留美幼童与北洋海军 ——以寻觅留美幼童回华后进入北洋海军的路向为主 The Chinese Education Mission to the Untied States and the Beiyang Fleet 孙建军/Sun Jianjun 谁的堡垒 ——明代闽粤沿海卫所的民居化路径比较 From Garrison to Village: Two Examples from Southeast China during the Ming Dynasty 杨培娜/Yang Peina 林献炘《载洵、萨镇冰出国考察海军》辩误 A Critique of Lin Xianxin’s Article The Dispatch of Zaixun and Sa Zhenbing Abroad to Investigate Foreign Navies 张黎源/Zhang Liyuan