基本信息 书名:Guide to the Management Gurus (5th Edition) 作者: Carol Kennedy出版社: Random House Business ISBN:9781905211029 页码:368 版次:5 装帧: 开本:16 出版日期:2007-01-04 语种:英文 纸张:胶版纸 原价:237.30元 商品标识: 内容简介 The original guide to the ideas of leading management thinkers has been updated, now with 10 new full-length entries. From classic gurus such as Henry Gantt and the Gilbreth time-and-motion pioneers to the latest thinkers influencing 21st-century business, the lives and work of more than 55 gurus are covered in clear and accessible style. Also covered are Clayton Christensen, master of innovation theory, Karen Stephenson's ground-breaking insights into human networks, and penetrating analysis of all gurus' ideas and influence on management. Each entry includes a brief biography and a list of important source titles. 作者简介Formerly executive editor of Director magazine, Carol Kennedy is an award-winning business and management writer and the author of 12 books, including Instant Management, The Merchant Princes, and The Next Big Idea.