内容提要 《普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材:英国文学选读》为刘炳善教授《英国文学简史》的姊妹篇,涵盖自中古时期至二十世纪下半叶的英国文学代表之作,展现英国文学的大致脉络,综合国内外著名英国文学选读教材优点,结合中国学生实际,取宏用精 体现英国文学研究学术成果。所选作家、重要经典作品附有简要介绍,便于读者了解相关背景知识,注释详细,语言通俗、平易,便于查阅。 可供大学英语专业高年级学生、硕士研究生考生、英语专业自考学生、英国文学爱好者使用,亦可供英国文学课教师参考使用。 目录 PrefacePart Ⅰ Early and Medieval English Literaturefrom BEOWULF translated by Seamus HeaneyGEOFFREY CHAUCERfrom The Canterbury Talesfrom The General PrologueTHE POPULAR BALLADSRobin Hood and the BishopSir Patrick SpensGet Up and Bar the DoorSIR THOMAS MALORYfrom Le Morte D'ArthurBook XXIChapter ⅣChapter ⅤPart Ⅱ The English RenaissanceSIR THOMAS WYATT THE ELDERThe Long Love That in My Thought Doth HarborThe Lover Showeth How He Is Forsake of(Such as He SometimeEnjoyed)THE KING JAMES BIBLE OF 1611The Song of SongsThe Gospel According to Saint Luke(15:11-32)The First Epistle of Paul The Apostle to the Corinthians(13)HENRY HOWARD,EARL OF SURREYThe Soote SeasonLove,That Doth Reign and Live Within My ThoughtSIR PHILIP SIDNEYAstrophil and Stella1("Loving in truth,and fain in verse my love to show")31("With how sad steps,O Moon,thou climb'st the skies")The Nightingalefrom The Defense of Poesy[POETRY,PHILOSOPHY,HISTORY]THOMAS NASHESpring,the Sweet SpringCHRISTOPHER MARLOWEThe Passionate Shepherd to His Lovefrom The Tragical History of Doctor FaustusEDMUND SPENSERfrom AmorrettiSonnet 1 ("Happy ye leaves when as those lilly hands")Sonnet 75("One day I wrote her name upon the strand")from The Faerie QueeneBooklllCanto vi[The Garden of Adonis]WILLIAM SHAKESPEARESongs from the PlaysWho is Silvia? What is she?Tell Me Where Is Fancy Bred?Blow,Blow,Thou Winter WindSonnets18("Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?")29(6iWhen,in disgrace with Fortune and men's eyes")60("Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore")……Part Ⅲ The Period of the English Bourgeois RevolutionPart Ⅳ The Eighteenth CenturyPart Ⅴ Romanticism in EnglandPart Ⅵ English Critical RealismPart Ⅶ Prose-Writers and Poets of the Mid and Late 19thCenturyPart Ⅷ Twentieth Century English LiteratureBibliggraphy 作者介绍 刘炳善,莎士比亚研究专家、翻译家、河南大学博士生导师、《英国文学简史》作者。 罗益民,北京大学博士、西南大学教授、重庆市莎士比亚研究会会长、重庆市翻译家协会副会长。 序言