内容提要 Ho.语言认知 目录 前言Preface序Article One MetaphorArticle Two The Conduit Metaphor: A Case of Frame Conflict in Our Language about LanguageArticle Three The \"Conduit Metaphor\" Revisited: A Reassessment of Metaphors for CommunicationArticle Four The Metaphorical Structure of the Human Conceptual SystemArticle Five The Contemporary Theory of MetaphorArticle Six When Metaphors Function as Schemas: Some Cognitive Effects of Conceptual MetaphorsArticle Seven Conceptual Integration NetworksArticle Eight Blending and MetaphorArticle Nine Rethinking MetaphorArticle Ten Metaphor Interpretation and EmergenceArticle Eleven Metaphor, Relevance and the Emergent Property IssueArticle Twelve Cognitive Effort and Effects in Metaphor Comprehension:Relevance Theory and PsycholinguisticsArticle Thirteen The Philosophy of Embodied Realism: A High Price to Pay?Article Fourteen Metaphor Interpretation as Embodied Simulation后记 作者介绍 孙毅,男,江苏南京人。毕业于上海外国语大学英语学院,获英语语言文学博士学位。曾获得“外教社”一等奖学金、“宝钢”教育基金优秀学生奖、上海市“优秀研究生毕业生”等荣誉。复旦大学外国语言文学博士后流动站进站人员。现就职于西安外国语大学《外语教学》暨《西安外国语大学学报》编辑部,副教授、硕士生导师。研究方向为语用学及认知语言学,申请成功并已结题的省厅级、校级科研项目六项,曾在外语类核心、中文核心等重要期刊发表论文十余篇。 序言