目录 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 A general description of English puns and Chineseshuangguan 2.2 Significance of studying English puns and Chineseshuangguan 1.3 Objectives of the present study 1 4 Research methodology and theoretical framework 1.5 Organization of the book Chapter 2 Survey of the Literature 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Multidimensional approaches to the study of English puns 2.2.1 A rhetorical approach 2.2.2 A semantic approach 2.2.3 A relevance-theoretic approach 2.3 Major approaches to the study of Chineseshuangguan 2.3.1 A rhetorical approach 2.3.2 A semantic approach 2.3.3 A pragmatic approach 2.3.4 A comparative approach 2.4 Summary Chapter 3 A Prototype-based Approach to English Puns and Chinese Shuangguan 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Prototype theory as the theoretical foundation 3.3 English puns:Prototypical and non-prototypical uses 3.4 Chinese shuangguan:Prototypical and non-prototypical uses 3.5 Towards a unified definition of pun in both English and Chinese 3.6 Summary Chapter 4 Formal and Semantic Analyses of Puns in Chinese and English Talk Shows 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The data 4.2.1 The rationale for the choice of data from talk shows 4.2.2 Characteristics of the face-to-face oral communication in talk shows 4.2.3 Description of the data 4.3 A formal analysis of puns: Four prominent modes of punning 4.3.1 An overview of previous studies on modes of punning 4.3.2 Four prominent modes of punning used in talk shows 4.4 A semantic analysis of puns:Transparent, semi-transparent and opaque puns 4.5 Summary Chapter 5 A Unified Account of Pun Processing 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Relevance theonj 5.3 The graded salience hypothesis 5.4 Context 5.5 Interpretation of transparent puns 5.5.1 Linguistic and pragmatic features of transparent puns 5.5.2 Processing of transparent puns 5.6 Interpretation of semitransparent puns 5.6.1 Linguistic and pragmatic features of semitransparent puns 5.6.2 Processing of semitransparent puns 5.7 Interpretation of opaque puns 5.7.2 Linguistic and pragmatic features of opaque puns 5.7.2 Processing of opaque puns 5.8 Effects of different contextual cues 5.9 Summary Chapter 6 Conclusion 6.1 Major findings of the present study 6.2 Theoretical and practical implications 6.3 Limitations of the study and suggestions for future research Appendix References 内容简介 《认知语言学文丛:英汉双关的认知语用研究》由艾琳编著。语用学和认知语言学是语言学中的两个重要分支。全书从语用和认知的视角,对英汉双关的异同提出了独到的见解,对英汉双关的认知理解模式做了有益的探索。全书资料翔实,例证丰富,可读性强,对语言学的研究者和修辞学的爱好者都具有较高的参考价值。'