目录Unit One Washington Irving ( 1783 — 1859 )Unit Two Edgar Allan Poe (1809— 1849)Unit Three Ralph Waldo Emerson ( 1803 — 1882 )and Henry David Thoreau ( 1817 — 1862 )Unit Four Nathaniel Hawthorne ( 1804 — 1864 )Unit Five Herman Melville ( 1819 — 1891 )Unit Six Walt Whitman ( 1819 — 1892 )Unit Seven Emily Dickinson ( 1830 — 1886 )Unit Eight Mark Twain ( 1835 — 1910)Unit Nine Henry James ( 1843 — 1916)Unit Ten Jack London( 1876 — 1916 )Unit Eleven Theodore Dreiser( 1871 — 1945)Unit Twelve Robert Frost ( 1874 — 1963 )and William C. Williams ( 1883 — 1963 )Unit Thirteen Ezra Pound ( 1885 — 1972 )and T.S. Eliot( 1888 — 1965)Unit Fourteen William Faulkner ( 1897 — 1962 )Unit Fifteen F.S. Fitzgerald ( 1896 — 1940)Unit Sixteen Ernest Hemingway ( 1899 — 1961 )Unit Seventeen Eugene O'Neill ( 1888 — 1953)Unit Eighteen John Steinbeck ( 1902 — 1968 )文摘"I know where I am," he .replied, but would say nothing more, and so I left him."Yes. ""Does he want to starve? If he does, let him live on the prison fare, that's.all. ""Who are you?" asked I, not knowing what to make of such an unofficially speakingperson in such a place.He said it was."Well then," said I, slipping some silver into the grub-man's hands (for so they calledhim). "I want you to give particular attentionto my friend there; let him have the best dinneryou can get. And you must be as polite to him as possible. ""Introduce me, will you?" said the grub-man, looking at me with an expression whichseem to say he was all impatience for an opportunity to give a specimen of his breeding.Thinking it would prove of benefit to the scrivener, I acquiesced; and asking the grub-manhis name, went up with him to Bartleby."Bartleby, this is Mr. Cutlets; you will find him very useful to you. ""Your servant, sir, your servant," said the grub-man, making a low salutation behind hisapron. "Hope you find it pleasant here, sir ; --spacious grounds--cool apartments, sir--hopeyou'll stay with us some time--try to make it agreeable. May Mrs. Cutlets and I have thepleasureof your company to dinner, sir, in Mrs. Cutlets' private room?""I prefer not to dine to-day," said Bartleby, turning away. "It would disagree with me; Iam unused to dinners. " So saying he slowly moved to the other side of the inclosure, and tookup a position fronting the dead-wall.内容简介 《美国文学选读》是面向英语专业高年级学生开设的专业基础课,在学科体系中居重要地位。即巩固提高学生的英语基础功,又能拓展和延伸其对深层语言和文化的解读和表达能力,促进学生对西方文化的了解,提高学生对文化差异的敏感性、宽容性。