英文版 财务管理策略 Financial Strategies for the Manager ,Springer清华大学出版社2009.12版 财务管理策略 [精装] 普莱斯特(Priester.C.) (作者), 王锦程 (作者) 基本信息 出版社: 清华大学出版社; 第1版 (2009年12月1日) 外文书名: Financial Strategies for the Manager 精装: 216页 语种: 英语 开本: 16 ISBN: 9787302190929 条形码: 9787302190929 商品尺寸: 23.6 x 15.8 x 1.8 cm 商品重量: 481 g 品牌: 清华大学出版社 定价:45元 内容介绍 《财务管理策略》专为非财务经理们学习财务理论而准备:内容包括财务管理中的一系列重要问题。包括财务报表分析、系统的财务评估方法、资产流动性管理与销售增长、流动资本管理、预算、外汇与利率风险管理以及一个非常有用但不易理解的工具——经济增值(EVA)。 编辑推荐 《财务管理策略》:Part of Tsinghua University Texts, Financial Strategies for theManager includes a range of financial management issues suchas financial statement analysis, a systematic approach to financialperformance appraisal, liquidity management and sales growth,working capital management, budgeting, foreign exchangeand interest rate risk management, and a most useful tool notnormally understood - EVA. The book is written in a concise andaccessible style, minimizing the use of the technical jargon andcomplicated mathematical formulae. Included exercises enhancestudent learning and examples bolster ability to understand anduse concepts in day-to-day situations. The material was originallydeveloped for a large corporate client in the telecommunicationsbusiness to assist non-financial managers in understandingfinancial theories in a practical way. It was expanded andrevised into a text for a post-graduate course of the Asia/PacificManagement Co-operative Program, Capilano University, BC,Canada. Charles Priester is a professor at Capilano Universityof Canada; Jincheng Wang is a professor at the InternationalBusiness School of Tianjin Foreign Studies University of China.