内容提要 一千年前以阿斯兰之名被召唤回到纳尼亚的七位王者,进入缇廉的梦境,他们要扭转混乱厮杀的局面,要进入一个崭新的蓝天——纳尼亚中的纳尼亚…… 目录 CHAPTER 1 ByCaldroPoolCHAPTER 2 The Rashness oF the KingCHAPTER 3 The Ape iIts GloryCHAPTER 4 What Happened That NightCHAPTER 5 How Help Came to the KingCHAPTER 6 A Good Night's WorkCHAPTER 7 Mainly About DwarFsCHAPTER 8 What News the Eagle BroughtCHAPTER 9 The Great Meeting oStable HillCHAPTER 10 Who Will Golnto the Stable?CHAPTER 11 The Pace QuickensCHAPTER 12 Through the Stable DoorCHAPTER 13 How the DwarFs ReFused tO Be TakeinCHAPTER 14 Night Falls oNarniaCHAPTER 15 Further Up and FurtherlnCHAPTER 16 Farewell to Shadowlands附录一 词条拓展附录二 跃级单词表·检索 作者介绍