内容提要 本书从旅游管理专业“面向行业,紧扣实践”的教学目的出发,探索采用当今主流的服务运营管理理论分析旅游服务管理实例,力求理论精当、简明扼要、深入浅出,强调实用性和操作性相结合。除采用大量典型案例分析、补充阅读材料等辅助教学形式指导学生学习各章重点、难点内容外,本书还在各章节末尾,设计了案例分析题及思考题,帮助师生展开分析讨论与模拟演练,以便有效理解与服务运营管理的精髓。From the teaching purpose,“an industry,oriented;practice,combined with”,using today’s mainstream theory of service operation management,we try to make the textbook to be accurate,concise,easily understood. In thiook we also emphasize the combination of the practicability and the operability.In addition to using a large number of typical case analysis and the supplementary reading materials to guide the students,we design the corresponding case problems at the end of every chapter,in order to help the teachers and students to do analysis,discussion and simulation exercises. The final goal of us is to help learners understand and grasp the essence of service operation management effectively. 目录