内容提要 15岁的杰·斯通英俊、健壮,很受人喜欢。杰只有一个问题:他的腿实在是太短了,同学们都叫他“树桩”。在学校橄榄球队中,杰出人意料地被提升为首发队员,于是,几个老队员就决定教训他一顿。面对他们对自己双腿的挖苦,杰能不能做到不予理睬,能不能保住自己在球队中的地位? 目录 Meet the AuthorBefore Reading1 Mirror, mirror on the wall2 Ben's plan3 Good advice4 A little accident5 Crack!6 Whispers7 The questions are the key8 An F for stubby9 A hard principal10 Ben's handwriting11 Chill out, man!12 Confrontation on the golf course13 A man of few words14 Stubs no moreAfter ReadingAnswer Key 作者介绍