内容提要 本书的传说部分包括了女娲、沉香、黄帝、仓颉、张骞、蔡伦等等中华文明中耳熟能详的神话历史人物,从读者最熟悉的故事入手,引出陕地民俗文化的历史渊源,与此同时,亦可唤起读者继续阅读的兴趣。在歌舞乐部分,本书不仅包括了在国际上享有盛誉的陕北秧歌、秦腔、安塞腰鼓、皮影戏,也囊括了丰富多彩的民歌、跳戏、围鼓、小曲,其解说由浅入深,对表演艺术的形成和发展、动作、排列、选曲等特点进行了详尽的介绍。在工艺制作部分,本书则对陕西著名的剪纸技艺、彩塑技艺、刺绣技艺、皮影制作等陕西劳动人民普遍习得的特色工艺进行了讲解。此外,在饮食文化方面,本书又通过陕地的茶文化、酒文化、面点文化等等,进一步展现陕西人民是如何将智慧和技艺融合在生活之中的。最后,在节日习俗章节,本书以社火、婚丧嫁娶、祭祖求雨、祛邪等民俗为切入,对陕地丰富多彩的地方民俗风情进行了全面的介绍和解说。 目录 CHAPTER ONE LEGENDS The Legend of Emperor Huangdi The Legend of Meishui Spring The Legend of QiQiong and Jingde, Gods of Door The Legend of Lanke Mountain The Legend of Zhang Qian The Legend of Cang Jie Creating Chinese Characters iChang'an The Legend of CheXiang The Legend of Cai LuMaking Paper iLongting The Legend of SuSimiao The Legend of Nuwa iPingli County The Legend of LongaTea The Legend of Qi and DoumeShipo TempleCHAPTER TWO SONGS AND DANCES Ansai Waist Drum Zichang Suona Zhouzhi Cattle Fighting Tiger AOxcart Pulling a Large Drum Driving StubborDonkeys oStilts Clapper Drum iYanchang GanquaLotus LanterDance Tongchao Shadow Puppetry Wuqi IroWhip Dance JingbiaXintianyou BaiyuMountaiTaoist Music Heyang Folk Suona Longzhou Ditty Zhouzhi DragoLantern DingbiaTaoist Chanting Shadow Puppetry Zhenba Folk Song Qinqiang Opera Straw Mat Drum Dance Xiang Gong & Cymbal Dance JianjuWar Drum Feng County Folk Songs Fufeng Wanwanqiang Opera Shadow Puppetry HuayiSu Drum Hanzhong Lotus Gathering Boat Huazhou Beihua Drum Dance Heyang Dancing Drama Puyang Shiyang Taoist Chanting Jinghe River Haozi Shenmu Drinking Song ChunguaTalking - Singing Hancheng Yangko Hung KueDrum Dance LuochuaClassic Yangko Fire LioDance Bamboo Drum Performance iZhashui Yang County Buddhist Music Four Boat Chasing Lotus Dance Hanjiang Haozi Zhenba SuonaCHAPTER THREE HANDICRAFTS Farmer Paintings iYijun Fengang Painted Sculpture Ansai Paper-cuts Fengang New Year Wood-block Prints Chengcheng Yaotou Pottery Firing HuaCounty Farmer Paintings Huangl.ing Paper-cuts Wuqi Clay Sculpture HuaaCounty Shadow Puppet Production Wheat Straw Painting iHuangling Pipa with a Curve Neck iYanchang Paper Cutting iJingbian Dali Embroidery Stone Carving Craft iGongli, Fuping Sandy Ware Firing Craft iChengcheng Cloth Spinning Craft iPucheng Hand-painted Door CurtaiiChengcheng XiqiEmbroidery Chengcheng Embroidery Traditional Papermaking Craft iBeizhang Village Giant Candles iDoucuVillage Craft of Making Marionettes iHeyang Craft of Fireworks oPoles iPuchengCHAPTER FOUR VICTUALS ProductioTechnique of Chinese Time - Honored Xifeng Liquor ProductioTechnique of Du Kang Liquor Xiangshui Tofu iHengshaCounty Dough Figurines iDali County Legend of Vegetable Tofu Heyang Dumplings JianjiaSteamed BuiDali Old TowBroth Legend of Noodle iFermented Soup Boiled Bacoand Steamed Bun Tea iCovered Cup iHanzhong Dowry Pickles Folk Wine Culture iZhen'an Artistic Buns iChengcheng Ritual Buns iCentral Shaan -Dumplings Folk Food Culture iShangluo City Tea and Alcohol Culture iXiang County Folk Tea Ceremony iZiyang County Folk Food Culture iShiquaCountyCHAPTER FIVE FESTIVAL CUSTOMS Folk Shehuo Performance iBaoji Memorial Ceremony at the Mausoleum of the Yellow Emperor Yellow River LanterArray Wellness Culture of SuSimiao Temple Fair iBaiyuMountain YaoshaGoddess Temple Fair iPucheng Greyhounds Hunting for Rabbits ithe NortherRegioof the Weihe River Establishing a Relationship of Adoptive Parents Double Seventh Festival iHeyang Swing iHanjing, Pucheng Driving Mule-pulled Cart Baishui Cang Jie Temple Fair Sweg Away Five Bad Lucks Fufeng Qinglong Temple Fair Double- Seventh Day Festival iDali Fuping Shehuo Folk Sacrificial Activity for Sima QiaiHancheng LanterFestival iLuonan Folk Wedding Customs iZhen'an Light MountaiTemple Fair iShuilian, Binan Lighting Sky Lanterns iDali Custom of "Redemption" iQishan TeMiracles iDongfu Heatable Brick Beds iChengcheng Shanyang 作者介绍 张莹,女,副教授。香港理工大学翻译与传译专业硕士。西安翻译学院翻译研修学院副院长。先后主讲过“演讲与口才”“商务英语翻译”“英汉翻译”“英语阅读”等课程。 序言