基本信息 书名:简明英语写作教程 定价:16.90元 作者:(印)纳拉亚纳斯瓦米 出版社:外语教学与研究出版社 出版日期:2007-11-01 ISBN:9787560070360 字数: 页码:189 版次: 装帧:平装 开本:12开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 作者简介: V.R. Narayanaswami retired as Professor and Head, Department of English, Anna University of Technology, Chennai, India. He has worked on several ELT projects and has lectured extensively on the subject both in India and abroad. DrNarayanaswami's other publications include Organised Writing and English for Engineers and Technologists. 内容提要 本书是一部简明、实用的英语写作教材,适合大学具有中等英语水平的学生以及其他希望提高英语写作能力的学习者使用。 教材经典 作者是印度英语写作教学的专家,本书集作者多年讲授英语写作课的经验,自1 979年出版以来,作为中学和大学的教材,多次重印、修订,至今盛销不衰。 实用性强 针对英语写作的用途,本书分九个单元——段落、描述和记叙,议论文、信札、笔记、摘要、报告、备忘录、图表应用——讲解了主要的修辞手段和实用文体的写作方法和技巧。 方便教学 语言深入浅出,讲解循序渐进,配以众多例子说明,并配有各种练习各章还配有中文导学,帮助学习者把握重点。 注重交际性 强调写作是一种交际行为,有目的,有语境,有读者;鼓励学习者在作文中使用自己的语言、知识和经验。 目录 Preface to the Third Edition Preface to the Second Ed ition1 Paragraph Writing段落写作 1.1 Definition 1.2 The topic sentence 1.3 Features of a good paragraph(Unity) 1.4 Features of a good paragraph(Coherence)2 Description and Narration描述和记叙 2.1 Describing objects 2.2 Describing people and places 2.3 Describing processes and mechanisms 2.4 Narration3 Essay Writing议论文 3.1 C haracteristics of a good essay 3.2 Steps in essay writing 3.3 Types of essays 3.4 Statement of pu rpose4 Letter Writing书信 4.1 Personal letters 4.2 Business letters 4.3 Letters of application 4.4 Letters to the editor 4.5 Letters for some common so situations 4.6 F― and the Internet5 Note Making笔记 5.1 Importance of note making 5.2 How to make notes6 Precis Writing and Abstracting摘要 6.1 Definition of a precis 6.2 HOw to write a good precis 6.3 Language work in a precis 6.4 Abstractincj for totaI information7 Report Writi ng报告和报道 7.1 Different types of reports 7.2 Minutes and agendas8 Memorandums and Short Tasks短篇文字 8.1 Memorandums 8.2 Advertisements 8.3 Traffic signs and other notices 8.4 Newspaper headlines 8.5 Checklists9 The Use of Graphics图表 9.1 Why we use charts,diagrams and maps 9.2 Types of graphic representationAcknowledgementsAbout the Author 作者介绍