内容提要 本书是关于国际商法的全英文教材。 本书采取与国际接轨的读者中心主义写作风格,通过、标准的英语讲述国际商法,有利于读者掌握用英语表达国际商法内容的正确方法。 本书运用大量案例和图表,将复杂的内容直观化,有利于读者在短时间内了解国际商法的概貌。 本书内容充实,文笔轻松时尚,而图文并茂,是国内大专院校开展法律双语教学的教材。 目录 Chaper One Itroduction to International Buiness Law Ⅰ.What is Internatioal Business Law? Ⅱ.History of International Business Law? A.National Law B.International Treaties and Conventions C.Interntational Model Law D.International Trade Costomsn and Usages Ⅳ.Internatioal Organizations A.Organizaions Affiliated with the Untiend Nations B.Other Internationl Organizations Ⅴ.Comparison of Municipal Legal Systems A.The Roman-Germanic Legal Systems B.The Anglo-American Common Law System Ⅵ.International Business Law and ChianChapter Two Forms of International Business Ⅰ.Some International Trade Theores A.Specialization B.Absolubte Advantage C.Compartive Advantage D.Opportunity Cost Ⅱ.Exporting A.Direct Exporting B.Indirect Exporting Ⅲ.Government Controls over Trade A.Tariffs B.Nontaiff Barriers to Trade C.Export Restrictions Ⅳ.International Liicensing Agreement A.Technoloy Transfer B.International FranchisingChapter Three Legal System of International BusinessChapter Four Contract Law for the International Sale of GoodsChapter Five Contratct Law fot the International Sale of Goods(Continres)Chapter Six Carriage of Goods by Sea and Marine Cargo Insurance Chapter Seven Finance of International TradeChapter Eingt Partnership LawChapter Nine The Law of CorporationsChapter Tne Law of Foreign Investment Enterprises of ChianChapter Eleven Intellectual Property Right LawChapter Twelve GATT and WTW LawChapter Thirtee The Law of AgencyChapter Fourteen Intenational Commercial Dispute SettlementBibliography 作者介绍 姜利美,男,生于1956年2月,山东蓬莱人,山东大学法学院教授,法学博士,硕士研究生导师。世界罗马法研究会理事、山东省调解委员会调解员、山东济南市国际贸易法学会副会长。于1995年-1997年在意大利罗马大学科法学院研究国际经验法和罗马法,曾应邀在波罗尼亚大学、罗马大 序言