基本信息 书名:PHYSICS物理学 定价:28.4元 作者:马文蔚 编,朱明,徐文轩 译 出版社:高等教育出版社 出版日期:2009-07-01 ISBN:9787040272628 字数:660000 页码:327 版次: 装帧:平装 开本:大16开 商品重量: 编辑推荐 本书是马文蔚主编的《物理学》(第五版)一书的英文翻译版,体系和内容与中文版保持一致。全书分为上、下两册,上册包括力学、电磁学,下册包括振动和波动、波动光学、热学、相对论、量子物理等。本书可作为高等学校理工科大学物理课程的双语课教材,也可供相关专业选用和社会读者阅读。 内容提要 On the base of Physics(Fourth Edition),the revision of thiook is made coulting The Basic Requirement ofTeaching Univeity Physics Coue for Nonphysical Major in Univeity ofScience & Engineering (Discussion Draft)and cotituted lastly bysubcommittee of physics essential lecture teaching guidance fornonphysics specialty, Education Department. What in the book contaiall of kernels required in the basic requirement, moreover,acertain amount of exteion content is presented as well as fordifferent majo. In the revision, thiook keeps specialties suchas logical system, wellsituated profundity and exteion, propercapacity, wide flebility coming from the original vision of thebook. Meanwhile,it adds more contents in following aspects: modernphysics ,the annotation with modern viewpoints for classicphysics,and the effects to science and technology from theachievements of modern physics. Thiook has two volumes. InVolume Ⅰ , it contai mechanics and electromagnetic. And in Volume Ⅱ, it contai oscillation and undulation, optics, theory of moleculardynamics and basic of thermodynamics, theory of relativity, quantumphysics. There are books The Applicatio of Physical Principle inEngineering and Technology(Third Edition), The Analysis andSolution for Exercises In Physics(Fifth Edition), Guidance forLearning Physics(Fifth Edition) and the multimedia The ElectronicTeaching Plan for Physics (Fifth Edition)to form a complete setwith thiook. Thiook can be the teaching material of thehigher education for nonphysical major in univeity of sciences andengineering.It can also be selected as texty the relevant fieldsof social sciences and natural sciences and read by social reade atlarge. 目录