Teaching in Post-Compulsory Education: Learning, Skills and Standards (Continuum Studies in Lifelong Learning) by Fred Fawbert (Editor) Series: Continuum Studies in Lifelong Learning Paperback: 376 pages Publisher: Bloomsbury Academic (February 9, 2004) Language: English ISBN-10: 0826455956 ISBN-13: 978-0826455956 Product Dimensions: 6.8 x 1.2 x 9.4 inches Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds
This practical guide to the numerous diverse contexts within Further Education today provides a valuable resource for intending or experienced teachers, trainers and support workers within post-compulsory education who are working towards professional awards based on National Standards. It contains material on such key aspects of professional development as planning, delivering, assessing and evaluating teaching and learning. Information is also provided on such influential factors as the Common Inspection Framework, Ofsted, Learning and Skills Council and the Basic Skills Agency. Review '...potentially very valuable since it tackles aspects of teaching and learning that, in many cases, lecturers are simply expected to 'pick up on the job', as though they were peripheral to the main purpose of learning.' Vol 38, No 1 (Caroline Walker-Geaves Higher Education Review)
'two excellent features of this book are: suggested activities, many of which are imaginative and challenging...and the drawing together of a range of theories to inform thinking about the practice of teaching to develop general principles' (Studies In Higher Education)
'It contains material that I believe is of interest and use to anyone who...has a responsibility to educate and train teachers in the post-compulsory education sector.' (Studies In Higher Education)
'...potentially very valuable since it tackles aspects of teaching and learning that, in many cases, lecturers are simply expected to 'pick up on the job', as though they were peripheral to the main purpose of learning.' Vol 38, No 1 (Sanford Lakoff Higher Education Review)
About the Author Fred Fawbert retired after many years of managing a large Cert Ed/PGCE programme. Still teaching part-time, he is a Fellow of the Institute for Learning, UK, a member of the British Educational Research Association and the Managing Editor of tipcet.com, supporting teachers in the Lifelong Learning sector.