Human Learning, Fourth Edition (Hardcover) by Jeanne Ellis Ormrod(Author) Hardcover:508 pages Publisher:Prentice Hall; 4 edition (July 25, 2003) Language:English ISBN-10:0130941999 ISBN-13:978-0130941992 Product Dimensions:9.5 x 7.8 x 1.4 inches Shipping Weight:2.6 pounds Product Description This best-seller covers a wide range of theories—conditioning, social-cognitive, information processing, and social constructivism—while providing solid material on the psychology of motivation. The author\'s lucid prose demonstrates how different concepts of learning relate to one another; dozens of proven examples emphasize meaningful learning and the implications of the latest research. Clearly and entertainingly written, this book covers the following topics: learning and the brain; behaviorism and classical conditioning; effects of aversive stimuli; social-cognitive theory; long-term memory; complex learning and cognition; and motivation. An obvious resource for teachers of students of all ages and backgrounds, this book can be an interesting read for those involved in any facet of the learning process; as well as psychologists and therapists.