Eating Well For Optimum Health: The Essential Guide to Bringing Health and Pleasure Back to Eating(Paperback)~Andrew Weil Publisher:Harper Paperbacks (March 6, 2001) Language:English Product Dimensions:7.9 x 5.3 x 0.9 inches Shipping Weight:9.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies) From Publishers WeeklyNow considered one of holistic medicine\'s most authoritative voices, Weil (Spontaneous Healing; 8 Weeks to Optimum Health) provides a common-sense approach to healthy eating. While much of this information can be found in other volumes, Weil illuminates the often confusing and conflicting ideas circulating about good nutrition, addressing specific health issues and offering nutritional guidance to help heal and prevent major illnesses. Of particular value is his examination of recent fads, such as low-carbohydrate, vegan and \"Asian\" diets, with an eye toward debunking the myths about them while highlighting their valuable aspects. Readers will appreciate the brief stories of individuals who have made big changes in their eating habits and solved chronic health problems, as well as recipes for foods that Weil feels will satisfy nutritional needs and the taste buds. Although not the first to link the rise of cancer, heart disease and obesity with the now-prevalent consumption of fast food and processed foods that contain a lot of sugar and few, if any, micronutrients, Weil\'s articulate plea to reflect on the consequences is convincing. Despite Weil\'s emphasis on a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, unprocessed foods and much less meat and dairy products than most Americans are used to, readers will notice a profoundly realistic observation of what changes they can readily incorporate into their busy lives. And they will be heartened to learn that they can eat nutritious foods and still get much pleasure from them. (Mar.)