本书为英语原版,平装本,原定价47.95美元,净重350克,馆藏自然旧。【图书分类:文化、科学、教育、体育 > 体育 > 球类运动 > 足球】For the first time ever, science gives us the answers to questions like "what's the chance of a team that wins the League or Premiership also winning the Cup? Can you predict how many goals will be scored? What's the best height for footballers? Is the winning team the best team?" The Science of Soccer is a fascinating book, dealing with a wide range of subjects where scientific analysis can be applied to football. Starting with a qualitative description of the basic physics that relate to the ball and its bounce, the author then moves through kicks and throws to a simple account of the more complex physics of a ball in flight. Fulfilling your scientific curiosity, this book uncovers aspects of the game that are not normally discussed. It includes a look at game theory, how the rules affect the flow and enjoyment of the game, why the best team does not always win, unusual statistics about players, and an insight into the economics of the game.
Review: "John Wesson has written here a unique book showing great skill in mathematics and physics, and a perfect knowledge of soccer and of its rules. This book should be read by anybody with a basic scientific background interested in ball games." Marcel Lesieur in Vol.3 of Journal of Turbulence HREF="http: //www.iop.org/EJ/S/2/IOPP/Qrp4CqA7LoQHoejvm0GIww/abstract/1468-5248/3/1/702" TARGET="SoS"> Read the full review esson has written here a unique book showing great skill in mathematics and physics, and a perfect knowledge of soccer and of its rules. This book should be read by anybody with a basic scientific background interested in ball games." Marcel Lesieur in Vol.3 of Journal of Turbulence HREF="http: //www.iop.org/EJ/S/2/IOPP/Qrp4CqA7LoQHoejvm0GIww/abstract/1468-5248/3/1/702" TARGET="SoS"> Read the full review "The Science of Soccer is a pleasant addition to a long line of sports-related books by English authors, each of whom wants to explain the sound physical reasons why things happen in a particular game ... Wesson reaches into territory that few such books have explored before, including some thoughts on rudimentary game theory, on strategy, and on the economics of the game today. Those parts make interesting reading." John D McCullen in Physics Today, June 2003 ience of Soccer is a pleasant addition to a long line of sports-related books by English authors, each of whom wants to explain the sound physical reasons why things happen in a particular game ... Wesson reaches into territory that few such books have explored before, including some thoughts on rudimentary game theory, on strategy, and on the economics of the game today. Those parts make interesting reading." John D McCullenin Physics Today, June 2003
About the Author: John Wesson wurde in Leicester geboren. Im Alter von 15 Jahren verlie?? er die Schule, um sich zun??chst als Fabrikarbeiter seinen Lebensunterhalt zu verdienen. Einer anschlie??enden Ingenieurausbildung folgte dann das Studium der Physik an der Universit??t von Leicester. Seine wissenschaftliche Laufbahn begann Wesson in der experimentellen Kern- und Plasmaphysik und promovierte letztendlich in theoretischer Physik an der Universit??t von London. Au??erhalb der Physik widmete er sich auf ganz unterschiedlichen Feldern der Anwendung mathematischer Methoden; so stie?? er die Theorie der optimalen Besteuerung an und lieferte eine theoretische Analyse des englischen Golfhandicap-Systems. Bis zu seiner Emeritierung war er als Fu??baller aktiv, heute spielt er Golf, Tischtennis und Bowling.