本书原定价140.00美元,净重620克,馆藏自然旧。【图书分类:经济思想史之凯恩斯学派、凯恩斯主义】This volume throws light on the ideas and policies of John Maynard Keynes, presenting 19 contributions from international economists. These argue that although it is over 50 years since the General Theory was published, it still exerts an influence on academic economics and economic practice.
Review \'...this volume provides the reader with interesting and thoughtful interpretations.\' -- - Esteban Pérez, Review of Political Economy, Vol. 12, No. 2
John Maynard Keynes is a powerful collection of essays providing new light on those controversial issues. . . . the book is an excellent collection of works in line with Keyness plea for an analysis based on a close connection between theory and practice . . . it also represents a significant move from the negative task of criticising mainstream economics to the positive task of developing a modern analysis in the spirit of Keyness works. The book will be a valuable resource for anyone interested in macroeconomics and history of economic thought. -- Giuseppe Fontana, Kyklos
About the Author Professor of Economics and Associate Dean of the Economics Faculty, University of Zagreb, Croatia