The book “River Mechanics” was part of CIVL-455 (a graduate course of River Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University, Canada) by Professors M. S. Yalin and Ana da Silva. This book includes four chapters: The first chapterintroduces the basic knowledge of River Morphology, The second chapter introduces the Stabilization of River Course, The third chapter introduces the Modification of River Course , The last chapter introduces Special Problems in River Course, which introducesthe discipline of river dynamics in detail. The purpose is to help readers understand the development law of the river and use its law to serve mankind, or guide it to develop in a direction conducive to mankind, or minimize the negative effects caused bychanging the natural process of the river. This book can be used as a textbook for college students majoring in water conservancy and environment, as well as a reference book for relevant researchers or engineering technicians.
作者 安娜.达席尔瓦 著;戴文鸿
出版社 水利水电出版社
出版时间 2021-12
版次 1
ISBN 9787522601168
定价 45.00元
装帧 其他
开本 16开
纸张 胶版纸
页数 95页
字数 122.000千字
The book “River Mechanics” was part of CIVL-455 (a graduate course of River Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University, Canada) by Professors M. S. Yalin and Ana da Silva. This book includes four chapters: The first chapterintroduces the basic knowledge of River Morphology, The second chapter introduces the Stabilization of River Course, The third chapter introduces the Modification of River Course , The last chapter introduces Special Problems in River Course, which introducesthe discipline of river dynamics in detail. The purpose is to help readers understand the development law of the river and use its law to serve mankind, or guide it to develop in a direction conducive to mankind, or minimize the negative effects caused bychanging the natural process of the river. This book can be used as a textbook for college students majoring in water conservancy and environment, as well as a reference book for relevant researchers or engineering technicians.
戴文鸿,河海大学博士生导师,加拿大专业注册工程师。2009年作为海外高#级引进人才任职为河海大学水利水电学院副教授,从事河流水沙运动及河流演变等方面的研究,负责讲授泥沙与河道整治、河流动力学、泥沙运动力学与河流演变等本科、硕士和博士研究生课程。 戴文鸿师从泥沙与弯曲河道研究领域靠前著#名专家M. S. Yalin 教授和Ana da Silva 教授(原著作者),长期从事弯曲河道演变及模拟研究,在加拿大Queen’s University完成的博士论文:On the Simulationand Prediction of Bed Morphological Adjustments of Equilibrium in Alluvial Meandering Streams(全文被加拿大国家图书馆收录出版,收录号为W.Dai-2008-1219;pp 215),针对冲积河流弯曲演变的机理与模拟展开了研究,归国以来陆续发表了多篇河流演变及泥沙运动方面的相关学术论文。 Ana da Silva,加拿大女皇大学终身教授,出版了《Fluvial Processes》。
内容摘要 The book “River Mechanics” was part of CIVL-455 (a graduate course of River Engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University, Canada) by Professors M. S. Yalin and Ana da Silva. This book includes four chapters: The first chapterintroduces the basic knowledge of River Morphology, The second chapter introduces the Stabilization of River Course, The third chapter introduces the Modification of River Course , The last chapter introduces Spe Problems in River Course, which introducesthe discipline of river dynamics in detail. The purpose is to help readers understand the development law of the river and use its law to serve mankind, or guide it to develop in a direction conducive to mankind, or minimize the negative effects caused bychanging the natural process of the river. This book can be used as a textbook for college students majoring in water conservancy and environment, as well as a reference book for relevant researchers or engineering technicians.