This book mainly describes the basic concepts, fundamental theories and standard methods in essential Calculus of one single variable. It is written in English. The content is compact, popular and concise. Various types of examples and exercises have been devised in each section and chapter. The emphasis is on the fundamental computational abilities, especially the normal computation methods used in Calculus and subsequent courses. The main contents of this book includes Functions and Limits, Differentiation of Functions of One Single Variable, Integrals of Functions of One Single Variable and Applications of Integration, Differential Equations and Infinite Series. This book can serve as a textbook in English of essential Calculus taken by non-mathematics major students and international students, and is also suitable for other readers for reference purposes.
作者 王娇
出版社 西安电子科技大学出版社
出版时间 2022-10
版次 1
ISBN 9787560664781
定价 27.00元
装帧 其他
开本 16开
纸张 胶版纸
页数 168页
字数 243千字
This book mainly describes the basic concepts, fundamental theories and standard methods in essential Calculus of one single variable. It is written in English. The content is compact, popular and concise. Various types of examples and exercises have been devised in each section and chapter. The emphasis is on the fundamental computational abilities, especially the normal computation methods used in Calculus and subsequent courses. The main contents of this book includes Functions and Limits, Differentiation of Functions of One Single Variable, Integrals of Functions of One Single Variable and Applications of Integration, Differential Equations and Infinite Series. This book can serve as a textbook in English of essential Calculus taken by nonmathematics major students and international students, and is also suitable for other readers for reference purposes.本书主要阐述了一元微积分学中的基本概念、基本理论和基本方法。教材采用英文编写,内容安排紧密,讲解通俗简明,难易度适中。每章节都配备了一定数量的例题和习题。本书注重对基本的计算方法的介绍,尤其是微积分和后续课程中常使用到的计算方法。本书内容包括函数与极限、一元函数微分学、一元函数积分学、常微分方程与级数。 本书可作为非数学专业学生和国际学生的高等数学课程的英文版教材使用,也可以供其他读者作微积分入门级别的参考书使用。 本书内容包括函数与极限、一元函数微分学、一元函数积分学、常微分方程与级数。本书可作为非数学专业学生和国际学生的高等数学课程的英文版教材,也可以作为其他读者的参考书。