Colin D.Rudolph教授是美国威斯康星医学院儿科主任,是世界知名的儿科专家,为儿科学的发展与进步作出了卓越贡献。
Contributors Preface Acknowledgments SECTION 1: FUNDAMENTALS OF PEDIATRICS SECTION 2: HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION Part 1: Health Maintenance Issues Part 2: Managing Family Transitio SECTION 3: NUTRITION SECTION 4: ABUSE, NEGLECT, VIOLENCE SECTION 5: NEWBORN Part 1: Care of the Newbor Part 2: Infants at Risk Part 3: Specific Neonatal Conditions Part 4: Disorders Specifically Related to Preterm Birth SECTION 6: PRINCIPLES OF ADOLESCENT CARE Part 1: Growth and Development Part 2: Health Problems of Adolescents Part 3: Mental Health Disorders ithe Adolescent Part 4: Reproductive Health Problems SECTION 7: DEVELOPMENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL PEDIATRICS Part 1: General Concepts Part 2: Developmental Variatioto Disorder Part 3: Major Psychopathologic Disorders Part 4: Psychosocial Context of Development and Behavior SECTION 8: THE ACUTELY ILL INFANT AND CHILD Part 1: Assessment of the Acutely Ill Infant and Child Part 2: Stabilizatioand Management of the Acutely Ill Infant and Child Part 3: Injuries and Untoward Events SECTION 9: THE CHRONICALLY ILL INFANT AND CHILD Part 1: The Changing Outlook of Chronic Illness iChildhood Part 2: Death and Dying iChildhood SECTION 10: TRANSPLANTATION SECTION 11: INHERITED DISORDERS OF METABOLISM Part 1: InborErrors of Metabolism Part 2: Disorders of Amino Acid (AA) and Organic Acid (OA) Metabolism Part 3: InborErrors of Water Soluble Vitamins.......... Part 2: Infections of OrgaSystems Part 3: Infections of the Respiratory System Part 4: Treatment and Preventioof Infectious Diseases Part 5: Bacterial Infections Part 6: Fungal Infections Part 7: Viral Infections Part 8: Parasitic Infections--Nematodes Part 9: Parasitic Infections--Trematodes Part 10: Parasitic Infections--Protozoa SECTION 18: DISORDERS OF THE SKIN SECTION 19: DISORDERS OF THE EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT SECTION 20: DISORDERS OF THE ORAL CAVITY SECTION 21: DISORDERS OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Part 1: Presenting Signs and Symptoms Part 2: Esophageal Disorders Part 3: Congenital and Anatomic Disorders of the Stomach and Intestine Part 4: Disorders of Digestioand Absorptio Part 5: Disorders of the Stomach and Intestine Part 6: The Exocrine Pancreas SECTION 22: DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND BILIARY TRACT SECTION 23: DISORDERS OF THE BLOOD Part 1: Principles of Blood Disorders Part 2: Disorders of Red Blood Cells and Anemia Part 3: Disorders of Coagulatioand Platelets Part 4: Disorders of the Spleeand Lymph Nodes Part 5: Disorders of White Blood Cells, Part 6: Principles of Transfusio SECTION 24: NEOPLASTIC DISORDERS Part 1: Principles of Oncology Part 2: Hematologic Malignancies Part 3: Solid Tumors Part 4: Mononuclear Phagocytic System Disorders SECTION 25: DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEY AND URINARY TRACT Part 1: Principles of Nephrology Part 2: Abnormalities of the Kidney and Urinary Tract SECTION 26: DISORDERS OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Part 1: Principles of Cardiology Part 2: Approach to the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease Part 3: Acquired Cardiovascular Disease Part 4: Diagnostic Tools iHeart Disease Part 5: Management of Patients with Cardiovascular Disease SECTION 27: DISORDERS OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Part 1: Principles of Pulmonology Part 2: Disorders of the Respiratory System SECTION 28: DISORDERS OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM SECTION 29: DISORDERS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Part 1: Principles of Neurology Part 2: Abnormal Development of the Nervous System Part 3: Acute Deterioratioof Neurologic Functio Part 4: Epilepsy Part 5: Paroxysmal Disorders Part 6: Disorders of Strength, Tone, and Sensatio Part 7: Developmental Delay and Regressio SECTION 30: DISORDERS OF THE EYES Part 1: General Principles Part 2: Disorders of the Eye Index 作者介绍 ColiD.Rudolph教授,是美国威斯康星医学院儿科主任,是世界知名的儿科专家,为儿科学的发展与进步作出了贡献。 序言 Contributors Preface Acknowledgments SECTION 1: FUNDAMENTALS OF PEDIATRICS SECTION 2: HEALTH PROMOTION AND DISEASE PREVENTION Part 1: Health Maintenance Issues Part 2: Managing Family Transition SECTION 3: NUTRITION SECTION 4: ABUSE, NEGLECT, VIOLENCE SECTION 5: NEWBORN Part 1: Care of the Newborn Part 2: Infants at Risk Part 3: Specific Neonatal Conditions Part 4: Disorders Specifically Related to Preterm Birth SECTION 6: PRINCIPLES OF ADOLESCENT CARE Part 1: Growth and Development Part 2: Health Problems of Adolescents Part 3: Mental Health Disorders ithe Adolescent Part 4: Reproductive Health Problems SECTION 7: DEVELOPMENTAL AND BEHAVIORAL PEDIATRICS Part 1: General Concepts Part 2: Developmental Variatioto Disorder Part 3: Major Psychopathologic Disorders Part 4: Psychosocial Context of Development and Behavior SECTION 8: THE ACUTELY ILL INFANT AND CHILD Part 1: Assessment of the Acutely Ill Infant and Child Part 2: Stabilizatioand Management of the Acutely Ill Infant and Child Part 3: Injuries and Untoward Events SECTION 9: THE CHRONICALLY ILL INFANT AND CHILD Part 1: The Changing Outlook of Chronic Illness iChildhood Part 2: Death and Dying iChildhood SECTION 10: TRANSPLANTATION SECTION 11: INHERITED DISORDERS OF METABOLISM Part 1: InborErrors of Metabolism Part 2: Disorders of Amino Acid (AA) and Organic Acid (OA) Metabolism Part 3: InborErrors of Water Soluble Vitamins.......... Part 2: Infections of OrgaSystems Part 3: Infections of the Respiratory System Part 4: Treatment and Preventioof Infectious Diseases Part 5: Bacterial Infections Part 6: Fungal Infections Part 7: Viral Infections Part 8: Parasitic Infections--Nematodes Part 9: Parasitic Infections--Trematodes Part 10: Parasitic Infections--Protozoa SECTION 18: DISORDERS OF THE SKIN SECTION 19: DISORDERS OF THE EAR, NOSE, AND THROAT SECTION 20: DISORDERS OF THE ORAL CAVITY SECTION 21: DISORDERS OF THE GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT Part 1: Presenting Signs and Symptoms Part 2: Esophageal Disorders Part 3: Congenital and Anatomic Disorders of the Stomach and Intestine Part 4: Disorders of Digestioand Absorption Part 5: Disorders of the Stomach and Intestine Part 6: The Exocrine Pancreas SECTION 22: DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND BILIARY TRACT SECTION 23: DISORDERS OF THE BLOOD Part 1: Principles of Blood Disorders Part 2: Disorders of Red Blood Cells and Anemia Part 3: Disorders of Coagulatioand Platelets Part 4: Disorders of the Spleeand Lymph Nodes Part 5: Disorders of White Blood Cells, Part 6: Principles of Transfusion SECTION 24: NEOPLASTIC DISORDERS Part 1: Principles of Oncology Part 2: Hematologic Malignancies Part 3: Solid Tumors Part 4: Mononuclear Phagocytic System Disorders SECTION 25: DISORDERS OF THE KIDNEY AND URINARY TRACT Part 1: Principles of Nephrology Part 2: Abnormalities of the Kidney and Urinary Tract SECTION 26: DISORDERS OF THE CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM Part 1: Principles of Cardiology Part 2: Approach to the Patient with Cardiovascular Disease Part 3: Acquired Cardiovascular Disease Part 4: Diagnostic Tools iHeart Disease Part 5: Management of Patients with Cardiovascular Disease SECTION 27: DISORDERS OF THE RESPIRATORY SYSTEM Part 1: Principles of Pulmonology Part 2: Disorders of the Respiratory System SECTION 28: DISORDERS OF THE ENDOCRINE SYSTEM SECTION 29: DISORDERS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM Part 1: Principles of Neurology Part 2: Abnormal Development of the Nervous System Part 3: Acute Deterioratioof Neurologic Function Part 4: Epilepsy Part 5: Paroxysmal Disorders Part 6: Disorders of Strength, Tone, and Sensation Part 7: Developmental Delay and Regression SECTION 30: DISORDERS OF THE EYES Part 1: General Principles Part 2: Disorders of the Eye Index