目录 民国时期上海渔轮经济发展与影响分析(1932~1937) The Development and Legacy of the Fishing Fleet in Republican-era Shanghai (1932~1937 白 斌/Bai Bin 宋代两浙路市舶司补探 The Supplementary Exploration in the Maritime Trade Bureau of Liangzhelu During the Song Dynasty 陈少丰/Chen Shaofeng “针迷舵失”与中国古代航海活动中对岛礁区风险的认识? Knowledge of Dangerous Reefs and Islands in Ancient Chinese Navigation Manuals 陈晓珊/Chen Xiaoshan 雷州市乌石罟帆船的传统技艺与习俗 Traditional Shipbuilding Skills and Practices in Wushi, Leizhou 陈志坚/Chen Zhijian 木船维修保养传统工艺:燂船 Traditional Ship Maintenance and Repairing Technology: TanChuan(Breaming 叶冲/Ye Chong 华光礁一号宋代古船技术复原初探 The Exploration and Restoration of the No. 1 Southern Song Dynasty Shipwreck in Huaguang Reef 龚昌奇 张治国/Gong Changqi Zhang Zhiguo 开孔舵的技术分析 Technical Analysis of the Perforated Rudder 何国卫/He Guowei 《海防一览图》注记疑误摭拾 Discussion of the Annotation Errors Found in the Ming Jiajing period Sketch Map of Coastal Defense 贾富强/Jia Fuqiang 技术变革与上海航道疏浚:以机器挖泥船为中心 Waterway Dredging and the Urban Development of Shanghai in the Early Twentieth Century 刘炳涛 单 丽/Liu Bingtao Shan Li 蜈蚣船钩沉 History of the Centipede Ship 刘义杰/Liu Yijie 广西贵港梁君垌东汉墓出土陶船模 An Eastern Han Pottery Boat Replica Unearthed in Liangjundong, Guigang, Guangxi Province 谭玉华/Tan Yuhua 台湾的复原船模与复原船 Vessel Replica and Model Replica of Taiwan 曾树铭/Zeng Shuming 世界历史:陆地与海洋 Global History: Continental and Maritime 王赓武/Wang Gengwu 史海泛舟探针路——读《针路蓝缕》 Review of Mapping Ming China’s Maritime World 龚缨晏/Gong Yingyan 比利时根特大学“航海、贸易与知识转移”会议综述 An Overview of the International Conference on Seafaring, Trade, and Knowledge Transfer at the Ghent University,Belgium