was the one of his works that especially arrested the attentionof the selecting critics. Since last year the book, in a real andfull sense, has belonged to English literature, for the authorhimself, who by.education and practice is a poet in his nativeIndian tongue, has bestowed upon the poems a new dress,alike perfect in form and personally original in inspiration. Thishas made them accessible to all in England, America, and theentire Western world for whom noble literature is of interest andmoment. Quite independently of any knowledge of his Bengalipoetry, irrespective, too, of differences of religious faiths, literaryschools, or party aims, Tagore has been hailed from variousquarters as a new and admirable master of that poetic art whichhas been a never-failing concomitant of the expansion of Britishcivilization ever since the days of Queen Elizabeth. ……