正版现货新书 实用文体翻译 9787561863091 刘著妍编著
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Chapter 0ne General Introduction总论
l Nature and Scope ofTranslation(翻译的本质与范畴)
2 Process ofTranslation(翻译过程)
3 Principles and Criteria ofTranslation(翻译的原则和标准)
4 Methods and Strategies ofTranslation(翻译方法与策略)
5 Translation Skills(翻译技巧)
6 Text Typology and Translation(文本类型与翻译)
7 Style and Stylistics(文体与文体学)
8 Comparative Studies ofEnglish and Chinese(英汉比较研究)
9 Thought Patterns and Translation(思维模式与翻译)
Chapter Two Translation of Science and Technology科技文体翻译
1 Categories ofEST(EST的范畴)
2 Stylistic Feature ofEST(EST的文体特点)
2.1 Lexical Feature ofEST(EST的词汇特点)
2.2 Syntactic Characteristics ofEST(EST的句法特点)
2.3 Semantic Features ofEST(EST的语义特点)
Chapter Three Translation of Advertising广告文体翻译
1 Lexical Feature ofAdvertising(广告的词汇特点)
1.1 Adjectives(形容词)
1.2 Coinage(新造词)
1.3 ChineseFour-characterIdioms(四字短语)
2 Syntax Feature ofAdvertising(广告的句法特点)
2.1 Preference for Short Sentences(偏爱短句)
2.2 Use ofElliptical Sentences(使用省略句)
2.3 Use ofImperative Sentences(使用祈使句)
2.4 Use ofInterrogative Sentences(使用疑问句)
3 Rhetorical Features ofAdvertising(广告的修辞特点)
3.1 Rhyme(押韵)
3.2 Simile(明喻)
3.3 Metaphor(隐喻)
3.4 Personification(拟人)
3.5 Antithesis(对偶)
3.6 Repetition/Parallelism(排比)
3.7 Parody(仿拟)
3.8 Pun(双关)
4 Translation ofTrademarks and Brand Names(商标、品牌翻译)
4.1 Transliteration(音译)
4.2 Transliteration VS.Free Translation(音译与意译)
4.3 Adaptation(J顷应)
5 Translation ofAdvertising Slogan(广告口号翻译)
6 Translation ofAdvertising Illustration(广告插图翻译)
7 Advertisement Translation from the Respective of Cross.culture Communication(跨文化交际视角下的广告翻译)
7.1 DirectCommunicationVS.IndirectCommunication(直接沟通与间接沟通)
7.2 Group Orientation VS.Individual Orientation(集体取向与个体取向)
7.3 Historical Tradition VS.Progressive Innovation(历史传统与持续创新)
Chapter Four Translation 0f Journalism新闻文体翻译
1 News Headline(新闻标题)
1.1 Lexical Feature ofNews Headlines(新闻标题的词汇特点)
1.2 Syntactic Features ofNews Headlines(新闻标题句法特点)
1.3 Rhetorical Features(修辞特色)
2 Allusion and Translation(典故与翻译)
3 News Lead(新闻导语)
3.1 Direct Lead(直接导语)
3.2 Delayed Lead(延缓型导语)
3.3 Different Textual Characteristics of Chinese and English News Leads(中英新闻导语的不同文本特征)
4 News Body(新闻主体)
4.1 Inverted Pyramid Structure ofNews Story(倒金字塔结构)
4.2 Chronological Text Structure(时间顺序结构)
Chapter Five Translation of Business Text商务文体翻译
1 Principles in Writing Business English(商务英语写作原则)
2 Translation skills ofBusiness Correspondences(外贸函电翻译)
2.1 Types ofBusiness Letter(商业信函类型)
2.2 Layout ofBusiness Letter(商业信函格式)
2.3 Structure ofBusiness Letter(商业信函结构)
2.4 Language Focus(语言聚焦)
2.5 Case Study(案例分析)
3 Translation ofBusiness Contract(商务合同翻译)
3.1 What Is a Contract(什么是合同)
3.2 Standard Format(标准格式)
3.3 Language Focus(语言聚焦)
3.4 Case Study(案例分析)
Chapter Six Translation Of Tourism Text旅游文体翻译
1 Definition and Scope ofToufism English(旅游英语的定义与范畴)
2 Scenic Spot Translation(景点翻译)
2.1 Language Focus(语言聚焦)
2.2 On Translating Names ofTouristAttraction景点名称翻译
3 Chinese Couplets Translation(楹联翻译)
4 Chinese Cuisines Translation(中式菜肴翻译)
4.1 Chinese Culinary Culture(中国饮食文化)
4.2 SuggestedTranslating Skills(翻译技巧)
5 ContrastiveAnalysis between CTT and ETT(中英旅游文体对比分析)
5.1 Different Preference in Diction(遣词差异)
5.2 Hypotactic VS.Paratactic(形合与意合)
6 Translation ofPublic Signs forTourism(公示语翻译)
6.1 Function and Classification(功能及分类)
6.2 Translation Tips(翻译技巧)
6.3 Common Problems in Translation(翻译常见问题)
Chapter Seven Translation of Literary W ritings―Prose文学作品之散文翻译
1 Reproduction ofArtistic Flavor ofProse(散文韵味再现)
1.1 Sound and Rhyme(声响与节奏)
1.2 Artistic Conception andAtmosphere(意境与氛围)
1.3 Individualized Language Style(个性化语言风格)
2 Preproduction ofRhetoricalDevicesinProseTranslation(修辞翻译)
3 Comparative Analysis of Translation from English to Chinese(英汉翻译比较分析)
3.1 OfStudies by SirFrancisBacon(弗朗西斯?培根爵士《论读书》)
3.2 Bacon’S Prose Style(培根的散文风格)
3.3 Appreciation ofWang Zuoliang’S Translation(王佐良译文赏析)
4 Comparative Analysis of Translation from Chinese to English(汉英译文对比分析)
4.1 PeanutsbyXuDishan(许地山《落花生》)
4.2 Comparative Analysis oftwo Translation Versions(两个译文比较)
Chapter Eight Translation of Literary W ritings―Prose Fiction文学作品之小说翻译
1 Translation ofCulture―loacIed Words(文化内涵词汇翻译)
2 Literary Dialect Translation(文学方言翻译)
3 Reproduction ofCharacterization in Fiction(人物塑造再现)
3.1 Phvsical Description(外貌)
3.2 Action and Thought(行动与思想)
3.3 Speech and Dialogue(对话)
4 Reproduction ofWriting Style(作者风格再现)
4.1 Language Style ofHemingway(海明威的语言风格)
4.2 JaneAusten’S Writing Style(简?奥斯丁的风格)
5 Place and Name Translation(小说地名、人名翻译)
6 Historic Consciousness in Translation(译本的时代烙印)
Chapter Nine Translation of Literary WritingsmPoetry文学作品之诗歌翻译
1 Sound Devies ofPoetry(诗歌音韵表现法)
1.1 Rhyme(声韵)
1.2 Rhyming Scheme(韵法)
1.3 Foot(音步)
1.4 Meter(格律)
1.5 Iambic Pentameter(抑扬格五音步)
2 Imagery in Poetry(诗歌中的意象)
3 Figure ofSpeech(修辞手段)
4 Translatability and Untranslatability of Poetry(诗歌的可译性与不可译性)
4.1 Linguistic Untranslatability(语言的不可译性)
4.2 Cultural Untranslatability(文化的不可译性)
5 Translation ofPoetry(诗歌翻译)
5.1 XuYuanchong’s“Three-beauty”Criterion(许渊冲的“三美”翻译原则)
5.2 Translation ofImages(意象翻译)
本书共分为九章。第一章为文体翻译总论, 简要地阐述了翻译的基本理论、常用的翻译方法和技巧以及文本类型与翻译的关系。第二章至第六章为非文学文体翻译部分, 包括科技文体翻译、广告文体翻译、新闻文体翻译、商务文体翻译、旅游文体翻译。第七章至第九章为文学文体翻译部分, 包括散文翻译、小说翻译与诗歌翻译。
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