目录 Chapter One Basic Theories I.I Theories of first language acquisition and learning 1.1.1 Language acquisition and language learning 1.1.2 Theories of first language acquisition 1.1.3 Language acquisition view of cognitive linguistics 1.1.4 Language development 1.1.5 The critical period hypothesis 1.2 Theories of second language learning and acquisition 1.2.1 Critical period of second language learning and acquisition 1.2.2 Theories of second language acquisition 1.2.3 Practical pedagogical implications of SLA research 1.2.4 Individual learner differences and second language acquisition 1.2.5 Interlanguage 1.3 Theories of bilingual learning and acquisition 1.3.1 Appellation 1.3.2 Definitions 1.3.3 Types of bilingual teaching models 1.3.4 Bilingual education examples across the world 1.3.5 Chinese-English bilingual teaching in China 1.3.6 The critical period hypothesis of bilingual teaching
Chapter Two Teaching Methodology 2.1 Main ideas about English teaching methodology 2.1.1 Language and language teaching 2.1.2 The New National English Curriculum 2.1.3 Current English teaching methodology 2.1.4 Lesson planning 2.1.5 Classroom management 2.1.6 Assessment in language teaching 2.1.7 Classroom English 2.2 Main ideas about subject methodology 2.2.1 Main ideas about math teaching methodology 2.2.2 Main ideas about science teaching methodology 2.2.3 Main ideas about music teaching methodology 2.3 Main ideas about bilingual teaching methodology 2.3.1 Teaching goals 2.3.2 Teaching models and strategies 2.3.3 Code switching 2.3.4 Bilingual teaching methodology in some subjects Reference books
Chapter Three Grammatical Points for Bilingual Teaching 3.1 Verb andtense 3.1.I Main verbs 3.1.2 Auxiliaries 3.1.3 Tenses 3.2 Subject-Verb concord 3.2.1 Brief introduction about concord 3.2.2 The common rule of agreement 3.3 Participle 3.4 Commonly used sentence patterns 3.4.1 Existential sentence pattern 3.4.2 It-patterns 3.4.3 Conditional sentences 3.5 Simple sentence 3.5.1 Positive and negative statements 3.5.2 Questions 3.5.3 Commands 3.5.4 Exclamations 3.6 Clause 3.6.1 Clause element 3.6.2 Basic clause types 3.7 Degree and construction 3.7.1 Degree of adjectives and adverbs 3.7.2 Typical comparative structures 3.8 Direct and indirect speech 3.9 Infinitive 3.10 Passive voice 3.11 Some issues Reference books
Chapter Four Resources for Bilingual Classroom Teaching 4.1 Subject English words and expressions 4.1.1 Mathematics 4.1.2 Science 4.1.3 Music 4.2 Sample lesson plan analysis 4.2.1 Sample 1 Analysis of Sample 1 4.2.2 Sample 2 Analysis of Sample 2 4.2.3 Sample 3
Chapter Five Teacher Development 5.1 Introduction to teacher development and its research 5.1.1 Some concepts in teacher development 5.1.2 The importance of teachers professional development 5.1.3 Approaches to teacher development 5.2 Teacher development inbilingual teaching 5.2.1 Building subject expertise 5.2.2 Improving Language proficiency 5.2.3 Developing bilingual teaching skills Glossary and Index
精彩内容 age is the most important tool for human communication, and thinking, and it is the vehicle by which knowledge is transmitted. The use of language is an extraordinarily complicated skill. Each of us has the capacity to produce and understand an almost limitless number of sentences. For many people this skill for using language is "a defining feature of humanity" (Lund 2003: 39). Yet this complicated skill seems to be learned by children with ease and nearly all children who are exposed to language learn it rapidly. How this remarkable development take place and how children so quickly and as if by magic acquire language have interested experts in a variety of areas, such as linguists, psychologists and psycholinguists. Over the past years, there have been a large number of differing theories about how children acquire their first language. Among them are the three leading positions: behaviorist, innatist, and interactional/ developmental perspectives. 1.1.1 Language acquisition and language learning Before the introduction to the theories of first language acquisition, let us have an understanding of the following terms: Language acquisition is a complicated process which involves a wide range of social, psychological, cognitive, linguistic and physiological factors.