目录 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 OVERVIEW 1.2 STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM 1.3 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES AND SCOPE 1.4 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 1.5 ORIGINALITY OF RESEARCH 1.6 RESEARCH STRUCTURE 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 STATUS OF SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION EVENTS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD 2.1.1 The United States 2.1.2 P.R.China 2.1.3 Australia 2.1.4 India 2.1.5 South Africa 2.1.6 European Countries 2.2 MECHANISM OF THE SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION OF COAL 2.2.1 Pyrite Theory 2.2.2 Bacteria Theory 2.2.3 Phenol Group Theory 2.2.4 Humidity Theory 2.2.5 Coal-oxygen Complex Theory 2.2.6 Free Radical Theory 2.3 EVALUATIONS AND TESTING APPARATUS OF THE PROPENSITY OF COAL TOWARDS SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION 2.3.1 Minimum Self-heating Temperature (SHT) 2.3.2 Initial Rate of Heating URH) and Total Temperature Rise (TTR) 2.3.3 Crossing Point Temperature (CPT) 2.3.4 R 70 2.3.5 U Index 2.3.6 Oxygen Absorption with Chromatograph 2.3.7 Oxidation Kinetics 2.3.8 Activation Energy 2.4 LARGE-SCALE TESTING FACILITY OF THE SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION OF COAL 2.4.1 Testing Facility of Spontaneous Combustion at the University of Queensland 2.4.2 “XK-IE” Type Spontaneous Combustion Apparatus 2.4.3 Testing Facility of Spontaneous Combustion in the Former US Bureau of Mines 2.4.4 Testing Facility of Spontaneous Combustion at SIMTARS 3 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION OF COAL 3.1 CLASSIFICATION AND STRUCTURE OF COAL 3.1.1 Formation of Coal 3.1.2 Classification of Coal 3.1.3 Structure of Coal 3.2 THEORETICAL MODELS OF THE SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION OF COAL 3.2.1 Semenov Theory of Thermal Ignition 3.2.2 Frank-Kamenetskii Theory of Thermal Ignition 3.2.3 Chain Ignition Theory 3.3 CHARACTERISTICS OF SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION FOR DIFFERENT OXIDATION METHODS 3.3.1 Adiabatic Oxidation of Coal 3.3.2 Coal Oxidation under Temperature-programmed Condition 3.4 SUMMARY 4 POROUS STRUCTURE OF COAL BASED ON FRACTAL THEORY 4.1 POROUS STRUCTURE AND CLASSIFICATION OF COAL PORES 4.2 MEASURING PORES 4.2.1 Mercury Porosimetry 4.2.2 Gas Adsorption 4.3 PORE CHANGES AT DIFFERENT OXIDATION TEMPERATURES 4.3.1 Relationship Between Pore Volume and Diameter 4.3.2 Relationship Between Pore Surface Area and Diameter 4.4 DESCRIPTION OF COAL PORES BY FRACTAL THEORY 4.4.1 Introduction of Fractal Theory 4.4.2 Calculation of the Fractal Dimension 4.4.3 Fractal Characteristics of Coal Pores 4.4.4 Fractal Model of Coal Pores 4.4.5 Effects of Oxidation Temperature on the Fractal Dimension of Coal Pores 4.4.6 Size Distribution of Coal Pores Based on Fractal Dimension 4.4.7 Porosity and Permeability Prediction of Coal Pores 4.5 SUMMARY 5 FRACTAL OXIDATION KINETICS OF COAL DURING SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION 5.1 METHODOLOGY OF OXIDATION KINETICS OF COAL 5.1.1 Phenomenological Kinetics Method 5.1.2 Molecular Reaction Kinetics Method 5.2 PARAMETERS OF OXIDATION KINETICS 5.2.1 Reaction Rate Constant and Reaction Order 5.2.2 Activation Energy 5.3 CALCULATING METHODS OF THE PARAMETERS OF OXIDATION KINETICS 5.3.1 Establishment of the Reaction Order 5.3.2 Establishment of the Activation Energy 5.4 COAL OXIDATION AT CONSTANT TEMPERATURE 5.4.1 Equation of Coal Oxidation Kinetics at Constant Temperature 5.4.2 Experimental Study of Coal Oxidation at Gonstant 丁emperature 5.4.3 Establishing Parameters of Oxidation Kinetics at a Constant Temperature 5.5 COAL OXIDATION ATVARIABLE TEMPERATURES 5.5.1 Equation of Coal Oxidation Kinetics at Linearly Increased Temperatures 5.5.2 Establishment of the Parameters of Oxidation Kinetics at Linearly Increased Temperatures 5.6 FRACTAL OXIDATION KINETICS DURING SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION OF COAL 5.6.1 Fractal Oxidation Kinetics at a Constant Temperature 5.6.2 Fractal Oxidation Kinetics at Variable Temperatures. 5.7 SUMMARY 6 EVALUATION OF COAL SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION BASED ON CATASTROPHE THEORY 6.1 CATASTROPHE THEORY 6.1.1 Fold Catastrophe 6.1.2 Cusp Catastrophe 6.1.3 Characteristics of Catastrophe Theory 6.2 MODEL CONSTRUCTION OF SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION USING CATASTROPHE THEORY 6.2.1 Selecting the Variables in the Catastrophe Model 6.2.2 Catastrophe Model in Spontaneous Combustion 6.2.3 Analysis of Cusp Catastrophe Model 6.3 MODEL ESTABLISHMENT AND ANALYSIS 6.3.1 Experiments on the Spontaneous Combustion of Coal 6.3.2 Establishing the Unknowns in the Catastrophe Model 6.3.3 Analyzing the Results 6.4 EVALUATING THE PROPENSITY OF COAL TOWARDS SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION 6.5 VALIDATION OF THE RESULTS 6.5.1 Validation of Hysteresis Characteristic 6.5.2 Validation of the Evaluating Propensity Towards Spontaneous Combustion 6.6 SUMMARY 7 COMPREHENSIVE EVALUATION OF SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION OF COAL RISK FOR COAL MINES 7.1 MAIN FACTORS IMPACTING THE SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION OF COAL 7.1.1 Coal Rank 7.1.2 Maceral Content 7.1.3 Moisture Content 7.1.4 Sulfur Content 7.1.5 Geological Conditions 7.1.6 Mining Conditions 7.1.7 Ventilation Conditions 7.1.8 Fire Prevention Measures 7.2 INTRODUCTION AND PROCEDURE OF AHP 7.3 RISK EVALUATION OF SPONTANEOUS COMBUSTION OF COAL 7.3.1 Hierarchical Structure of the Factors Impacting the Spontaneous Combustion of Coal 7.3.2 Weighting of the Factors 7.3.3 Calculation of the Overall Weights 7.3.4 Consistency Check 7.3.5 The Weight of Each Subfactor to the Goal 7.3.6 Comprehensive Evaluation of the Spontaneous Combustion Risk 7.3.7 Case Studies 7.4 SUMMARY 8 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK 8.1 CONCLUSIONS 8.2 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE WORK REFERENCES