目录 01新城理念缘起2 Origin of New Town Concept 1.1什么是一座"新城"? 4 What Is a "New Town" ? 1.2为什么要建设"新城"? 5 Why do We Need "New Town" ? 1.3现代"新城":新城发展史中优选的机遇与风险15 Modern "New Town" : the Biggest Opportunity and Challenge in the New Town Development History 02西欧现代新城发展的理论背景18 Theoretical Background of West Europe Modern New Town Development 2.1吉格兰尼:《新城规划:原则与实践》(1976年)19 Gollany, Gideon: New Town Planning: Principles and Practice, 1976 2.2 Irion & Sieverts:新城——现代主义的实验田23 Irion & Sieverts: New Town , Experimental Fields of the Modernism 2.3现代新城规划的经验性案例硏究25 Case Study of the Modern New Town Planning 03西欧新城的城巿规划理论背景与实践发展轨迹30 Theoretical Background and Practical Development of West Europe New Town Planning 04霍华德田园城市理论与代现代新城36 Garden City Theory of Howard and the First Generation of Modern New Town 4.1田园城巿理论37 Garden City Theory 4.2理论体系指导下的相关新城发展40 New Town Development under the Guidance of the Theory System 代新城:哈罗新城,英国.46 First Generation: Harlow New Town, England 代新城:米尔顿凯恩斯,英国48 First Generation: Milton Keynes , England ……