目录 Chapter 1 SECOND LANGUAGE TEACHING AND CLT IN CHINA 1.1 Language and language learning 1.2 L2 teaching Chapter 2 GRAMMAR TEACHING AND CURRENT DEVELOPMENTS IN RESEARCH ON GRAMMAR TEACHING 2.1 Teaching grammar--benefi or detrimental? 2.2 Teaching grammar--how? 2.3 Integrating literature instruction into discourse-level PI Chapter 3 PROCESSING INSTRUCTION IN SLA 3.1 Input-based instruction 3.2 VanPattens IP model 3.3 Processing instruction: a description 3.4 Processing instruction versus traditional grammar instruction 3.5 Theoretical and operational issues involved in PI Chapter 4 ROLES OF OUTPUT IN SLA 4.1 Output hypothesis 4.2 Empirical evidence of output hypothesis 4.3 Modified output 4.4 The role of output practice in PI 4.5 MOI 4.6 Summary Chapter 5 EXTENDED PROCESSING INSTRUCTION AND EXTENDED MEANING-BASED OUTPUT INSTRUCTION 5.1 An extended input processing model 5.2 Introducing EPI 5.3 Introducing EMOI, a discourse-level meaning-based output instruction Chapter 6 METHODOLOGY 6.1 Research questions 6.2 Participants 6.3 Target grammar feature: English simple past tense 6.4 Procedures 6.5 Materials 6.6 Assessment 6.7 Scoring Chapter 7 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 7.1 Results of the experiment 7.2 Discussion Chapter 8 CONCLUSION 8.1 Theoretical and pedagogical implications of research findings 8.2 Limitations of the study 8.3 Future research directions LIST OF REFERENCES