目录 Preface Acknowledgements Abstract 内容摘要 Chapter 1 Introduction 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Rationale, Purpose and Background of the Study 1.1.1 Rationale of the Study 1.1.2 Purpose of the Study 1.1.3 Background of the Study 1.2 Profiles of Yunnan and Xishuangbanna 1.2.1 Yunnan 1.2.2 Xishuangbanna 1.3 The Dai Nationality and Aini People 1.3.1 The Dai Nationality 1.3.2 The Aini People 1.4 Terms and Abbreviations Used in the Study 1.4.1 Chinese Language/Putonghua/Mandarin/Han Language 1.4.2 Ethnic Minority Identities 1.4.3 Minority Education 1.4.4 Bilingual Education for Minorities Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.0 Introduction 2.1 Language Learning Theories Concerning Bilingualism and Trilingualism 2.1.1 Theories about Bilingualism and Trilingualism 2.1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages of Bilingualism and Trilingualism 2.2 Practices of Bilingualism and Trilingualism in SomeCountries 2.2.1 Universal Issues Concerning Ethnic Minority Language Learning Ethnic Minority Cultures Teaching Materials and Staff Psychological Factors Societal Factors 2.2.2 Practices of Bilingual and Trilingual/English Education Practices of Bilingual Education Practices of English Education 2.3 Bilingual and Trilingual/English Education in China 2.3.1 Definition of Terms …… Chapter 3 Research Design and Methodology Chapter 4 Interview Results:Brief Case Studies Chapter 5 Questionnaire Findings Chapter 6 Discussion and Conclusion References Appendix Ⅰ Interview Questions for Teachers of English from Ethnic Minority Areas Appendix ⅡQuestionnaire for School Students Appendix ⅢFile Information from the Questionnaire Raw Data List ofVariables on the Working File 后记