目录 Unit 1 Text A: Columbus, the Indians, and Human Progress Text B: Drawing the Color Line Unit 2 Text A: The History of Popular New Years Traditions Text B: Why You Should Date Your Best Friend Unit 3 Text A: From Consumption to Consumerism Text B: Iran and the United States in the Cold War Unit 4 Text A: North America: Physical Geography Text B: Tea in the Sahara: a Road Trip Through the Libyan Desert Unit 5 Text A: Burgeoning Bear Populations Bring Up Conservation Debate Text B: To Pay for Wall, Trump Would Cut Proven Border Security Measures Unit 6 Text A: Jewish and Muslim Families Share a Beautiful Friendship Text B: How Instagram is Changing the Way We Design Cultural Spaces Unit 7 Text A: A Country Childhood Text B: The Way of All Flesh Unit 8 Text A: The Dream Text B: A Days Wait Unit 9 Text A: 10 Basics of Italian Food Culture You Need to Know Text B: British Food Unit 10 Text A: Steve Jobs Stanford University Commencement Speech Text B: Megan Red Shirt-Shaws Harvard Commencement Speech Unit 11 Text A: The Wheel: The British Airways London Eye Text B: Stonehenge Unit 12 Text A: What Are the Top 12 Benefits of Swimming Text B: Rugby Unit 13 Text A: Donald Trump Text B: Diana, Princess of Wales