The author of the runaway bestseller How the Irish SavedCivilization has done it again. In The Gifts of the Jews ThomasCahill takes us on another enchanting journey into history, onceagain recreating a time when the actions of a small band of peoplehad repercussions that are still felt today.
The Gifts of the Jews reveals the critical change that madewestern civilization possible. Within the matrix of ancientreligions and philosophies, life was seen as part of an endlesscycle of birth and death; time was like a wheel, spinningceaselessly. Yet somehow, the ancient Jews began to see timedifferently. For them, time had a beginning and an end; it was anarrative, whose triumphant conclusion would come in the future.From this insight came a new conception of men and women asindividuals with unique destinies--a conception that would informthe Declaration of Independence--and our hopeful belief in progressand the sense that tomorrow can be better than today. As ThomasCahill narrates this momentous shift, he also explains the realsignificance of such Biblical figures as Abraham and Sarah, Mosesand the Pharaoh, Joshua, Isaiah, and Jeremiah.
Full of compelling stories, insights and humor, The Gifts of theJews is an irresistible exploration of history as fascinating andfun as How the Irish Saved Civilization.
xTHOMAS CAHILL is the author of the best-selling books, Howthe Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland 's HeroicRole from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe, TheGifts of the Jews: How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the WayEveryone Thinks and Feels, and Desire of the Everlasting Hills: TheWorld Before and After Jesus. These books comprise the firstthree volumes of a prospective seven-volume series entitled "TheHinges of History," in which Cahill recounts formative moments inWestern civilization. In "The Hinges of History," Thomas Cahillendeavors to retell the story of the Western World throughlittle-known stories of the great gift-givers, people whocontributed immensely to Western, culture and the evolution ofWestern sensibility, thus revealing how we have become the peoplewe are and why we think and feel the way we do today.
Thomas Cahill is best known, in his books and lectures, fortaking on a broad scope of complex history and distilling it intoaccessible, instructive, and entertaining narrative. His lively,engaging writing animates cultures that existed up to fivemillennia ago, revealing the lives of his principal characters withrefreshing insight and joy. He writes history, not in its usualterms of war and catastrophe, but as "narratives of grace, therecountings of those blessed and inexplicable moments when someonedid something for someone else, saved a life, bestowed a gift, gavesomething beyond what was required by circumstance." Unlike all toomany history lessons, a Thomas Cahill history book or speech isimpossible to forget.
He has taught at Queens College, Fordham University and SetonHall University, served as the North American educationcorrespondent for the Times of London, and was for many years aregular contributor to the Los Angeles Times Book Review. Prior toretiring recently to write full-time, he was director of religiouspublishing at Doubleday for six years. He and his wife, Susan, alsoan author, founded the now legendary Cahill & CompanyCatalogue, much beloved by readers. They divide their time betweenNew York and Rome.