保罗·戈德伯格(Paul Goldberger),《纽约客》(New Yorker)建筑评论家,自1997年开始,为该杂志具有很高声望的"Sky Line"专栏写作。同时在曼哈顿新学院(The New School)任设计和建筑系Joseph Urban主席。他的职业生涯开始于《纽约时报》(The New York Times),并于1984年获得普利策杰出评论奖(Pulitzer Prize for Distinguished Criticism)。
Building Up and Tearing Down: Reflections on the Age of Architecture
Christo and Jeanne-Claude
The Rebuilding of New York
The City Observed: New York
The Skyscraper
On the Rise: Architecture and Design in a Post-Modern Age
前言Introduction一 意义、文化和象征Meaning, Culture, and Symbol二 挑战与舒适 Challenge and Comfort三 作为物体的建筑Architecture as Object四 作为空间的建筑Architecture as Space五 建筑与记忆Architecture and Memory六 建筑物与时间Building and Time七 建筑物与位置创造Building and Making of Place术语Glossary书目注解A Note on Bibliography鸣谢Acknowledgments