One of the most respected and successful athletes ever to grace a major-league pitcher's mound, Orel Hershiser had an approach to the game that put him in a class by himself. Now that he's retired, this Cy Young Award winner, MVP of division- and World Series-winning teams, and Sports Illustrated "Sportsman of the Year" looks back on the people, the events, and the decisions that most affected his life, on the field and off.
What he has to share in this book has a lot more to do with living than it ever had to do with playing baseball.Chatting casually——yet revealing his innermost thoughts about the things that matter most——Orel tells you of his nine prince ples to vive by.Regardless of who you are,where you are,or what you do,you'll find them helpful:
Believe Your Coaches.No matter what you are right now——a businessperson,a professional,a parent,or a sudent—you can find someone who has been successful in that role.Orel talks about those who have coached him—and how he'll never be boo old to keep looking for good coaches.
Anything Ca Happen.Life will always deal you surprises.Even though you can't control what happens,Orel shows you how you can control your response.
Lighten Up.Life is serious enough.A little laughter.
ROBERT WOLGEMUTH is a twenty-five-year publishing veteran who has held senior executive positions at several major houses.He is also the bestselling author of nine books,including She Calls Me Daddy and Daddy@Work,He and Orel have been close personal frie