part i mine(矿山) unit 1 mining and mining technology(采矿及采矿工艺) 1.1 stages of modem mining(现代采矿的运行阶段) 1.1.1 prospecting(勘探) 1.1.2 exploration(探矿) 1.1.3 development(发展) 1.1.4 exploitation(开采) 1.1.5 reclamation(复垦) 1.2 basic unit operations(基本的单元作业) 1.3 mineral production and economics(矿产品及矿产经济) 1.3.1 mineral production(矿产品) 1.3.2 mineral economics(矿产经济) words and expressions unit 2 consequences of mining(采矿造成的影响) 2.1 mine health and safety(矿山健康与安全) 2.1.1 safety performance(安全绩效) 2.1.2 health pedormance(健康绩效) 2.2 environmental of mining(矿山环境) 2.2.1 surface mine reclamation(露天矿山复垦) 2.2.2 solution mining operations(水溶开采作业) 2.3 so engineering(社会工程学) 2.4 protection of environment(环境保护) words and expressions unit 3 the first two stages of modern mining:prospecting and exploration (现代采矿的前两个阶段:勘探及探矿) 3.1 first stage of mining--prospecting(采矿的阶段――勘探) 3.1.1 geologic prospecting(地质勘探) 3.1.2 geophysical prospecting(地球物理勘探) 3.1.3 geochemical and related prospecting methods(地球化学及相关勘探方法) 3.2 second stage of mining--exploration(采矿的第二阶段――探矿) 3.2.1 exploration methods(探矿方法) 3.2.2 metallurgical/process testing(冶金或矿物加工试验) 3.2.3 reserve estimates in the exploration(探矿中的储量估算) …… part ⅱ mine safety(矿山安全)