部分 general report the overview on the development of chinese mu- nity in australia/haiyang zhang:kent wang 第二部分 survey report religions life of the chinese munity in temporary australia/ yu tao;theo stapleton risk factors profiles for non——municable diseases among chinese immigrants in australia/kai jin; student employment:issue of exploition and its impact on graduate ex- pectation in australian labour market/minhua li are the chinese responsible for the declining of housing affordability in australia?/mona chung;bruno mascitelli 第三部分 munity study the associations of ethnic chinese’s roles in sino—australian rela- tions——the perspective of public diplomacy/yu changsen:wu nan the path to improve the influence of australian chinese munity on public policy formulation/zhao chang what impacts will the implement of the identity card system for over. seas no-citizenship chinese exert on austraha’s chinese munity and sino-australia relationshi?/yan ting;zhang yujie the evolution of multicultural policy in australia/yang honggui sino-australian relations:implications to the chinese munity in australia/liao kai;zu haoyue a study of the operation of chinese——language newspapers and maga- zines in australia/jianjun zhu;mingming feng 第四部分 chronicles/大事记 the chronicle of the chinese munity in australia since 1818 to 2018/king fong;tiffany ho 中澳关系大事记/许善品 第五部分 appendix/附录 杰出华人列传 李崴简介 慈善济世创造光明——黄肇强医生侧记/吴景亮 无悔·无怨·无私——专访获新南威尔斯大学“校友奖”潘南弘/吴景亮 星星之火可以燎原——记澳大利亚悉尼般若院住持般若/海南三 亚南海佛学院般舟 孙忠伟简介 friends of chinese munity introduction——the hon graham perrett mp introductioncurriculum vitae of ambassador zhou wenzhong introduction——the hon proressor bob cart introduction——the hon jodi mckay mp introduction——the hon julia finn mp for granville introduction——the hon julie owens mp introduction——the hon linda burney mp introduction——the hon luke foley mp introduction——the hon michelle rowland mp introduction——fwo 市侨联简介 鸣谢 责声明